Hello, everyone who is currently at  Disney. I’m Irma a CP that will be arriving on June 4th. I will like to know what is the most important thing to bring from home? What is the hardest thing that you have found to be a struggle and how have you over came that feeling?

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4 Responses to

  1. mcompetiello says:

    Hey Irma, so any important items can be purchased close by. There are busses that run to a nearby supermarket, walmart and walgreens. I would say that the most important items are the sentimental ones that bring a piece of home to your journey in Disney. For me, my sentimental items consisted of an espresso coffeepot and my alarm clock because for some reason I can wake up to seagulls in a split second.

  2. Fiona says:

    Hi Irma,
    I’m sure it’s different for everyone, but for me, I would say the most important thing you should bring is a CAR! Definitely definitely something I regret not bringing with me. It’s very hard for me to go around places I want to go. Disney provides buses, but they run about every 30 minutes or so. It’s not very convenient. For example, I work until 4:30 pm, and the bus comes at 4:28pm! So I always have to watch it leave me… and then wait until 5:07 for the next one, but it’s the time when there’s a lot of traffic, so I always have to wait longer and eventually get home around 5:40 or even 6, which is 1.5 hours later after I finished work. So definitely definitely consider bringing a car with you!
    Caribbean Beach Resort

    • jenny says:

      Very true!! fiona!! I felt if we had car, it would be more converient. But, you can think about on the other way, such as, when you are waiting for the bus, you can talk to your co-workers, share the daily experience to each other. On the bus, you can plan to read a book, or listening to your favor music, or check FB, chatting on your phone, or sleeping. I think there are a lot of things you can do when you are on your way home. Fiona, I knew you are almost back to NY, but I just want to say enjoy those time, when you come back you will be miss it 🙂
      P.S. those are all my opinion, I think that maybe can give new CPs some new ideas, so just don’t feel struggle to take Disney Bus, it’s fine!! 🙂

      Jenny Zhu
      Boardwalk Villas

  3. jenny says:

    Hey, Irma. Congrates to you! Woo…you are going to Walt Disney World, the happiest place in the world. My name is Jenny, I did the Disney Internship Program Fall, 2011. I enjoyed it, I had a very nice experience over there. I heard that you are leaving June 4, so I would like to give you some tips.
    1. Don’t over pack– bring whatever you have it now, such as, clothes, shoses, dresses. Dont go shopping anymore in NY. There is a outlet next to the complex(much cheap, good deal), and walmart, wallgreen, pulix are near you, the Disney bus will take you there, so don’t worry about it, pack whatever you have it right now.
    –My advice is bring at least 2 business suiting (2 Blazers & 1 suiting skirt & 1 suiting pant),few dresses as well. why? because you have to wear it on your “tradition” day, Disney is very serious about that, if you don’t wear it, I think they will not let you in. Dresses are for the formal night, sometimes, Disney has some activities during the night time, so if you want, you can dress up.
    2. Bring your ID,your personal information, your school information (Prof. Goodlad contact #), your laptop, a new locker, copy your credits cards, or other cards infomation.
    –on your first few days, you will have to make an agreement with the Disney Company, they need your finger print as well, you have to make sure, you bring something can prove yourself.
    –you should always keep in touch with Prof. Goodlad
    — there is a learning center in each complex. They have computers can go on Internet, also there are printers you can print out your HW later. But, I highly recomment that you bring your own laptop, its more convernient.
    –you should know that you will share a room with another roomate( the person that you dont know yet), so there is a lock, same like the one we used in school. The lock is in your room, so bring your own locker is very necessary, then you can leave all your important stuffs in your locker. It’s safe!!
    So far, these things only came out my mind, if you have any questions, you can email me, and I would be very happy to answer you.
    I know that packing is very hard for us, but I think you will be fine, just make a list (very important), then pack, then good to go!!
    Good Luck, Safe Trip, Have Fun 🙂

    Jenny Zhu
    BoardWalk Villas
    Email: jennyz2009@hotmail.com

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