Time Management

When I first arrived here I thought I had it all figured out. I was going to work, attend the classes down here at Disney, keep up with all of my work, as well as do everything I wanted to do and of course have fun while doing these things. However I soon realized  that finding the time to keep up with everything is kind of hard.

Before I came to do my program I thought I would have plenty of time to keep up with all the necessary work that needed to be done but now I am realizing that it is not that easy and that I have not been practicing great time management skills. Although I feel like there is not enough time in a day to accomplish everything I would like to do, I need to prioritize my responsibilities and make sure I put aside time to accomplish the things I would like to do and need to do.

 Even though I know these things needed to be done, I realize how little time I have left and what responsibilities I have to fulfill before my time here is over. What I had thought I had already known, turned out to be a learning experience in the sense that I need to look at the time I have and map out and put the time aside to keep up and complete my work. This was a learning experience for me and will help me in the future to mangae my time better.


Front Desk

Boardwalk Resort

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