Week 9! Parents in Town

My mom and my dad have been very  complicated with the whole moving out of the house and moving out to Disney for a whole semester. They never agreed with me , they thought I was going to get off track with my college and my career by coming down here. But I told them to give me a chance and they did . They signed the papers and paid for the fee’s so I could come down here for the program. It was a tough road with them but they managed with it.
My parents came down here on March 23-25 to visit their 19 yr old daughter. Mind you this is the first time I leave the nest and come live on my own! . I was so excited they were here in Florida to visit me , I wanted to Show them that I was capable of doing it alone and staying in track .  Before they arrived to Florida I made sure my room was super clean , the kitchen , the living room , the bathroom … just everything in General . My mom is a person that likes perfection and I grew up around a clean house so I really did have to make the first good impression. The morning they arrived I made sure I had breakfast ready for them and had everything in place.
My parents walked in and they had a surprised face on! they were like wow! nice apartment ! I’m like well thank you , I took them into my bedroom and they were so shocked they were looking at everything. We sat down and had breakfast and they were telling me of how proud they were on seeing me so independent and keeping up with myself. For the two days they were here! I felt like I was the parent . Wow all I can say is that I am very happy that I gave my parents the opportunity to visit Disney World. Something they couldn’t do because of the economic situation we were in when I was little. My mom and my dad were running everywhere! they were excited to see everything .  One thing that touched my heart to the fullest was when my dad looked at me and told me after illumination was done at Epcot ” Jennifer , we are so thankful with you for bringing us over here . This is amazing” .  One moment that made me crack up so much was when we went into Magic Kingdom and we went to the show room where Mickey and Minnie takes pictures with the guests. We didn’t wait anything on the line to see them , once we walked into the room all I see is my mom and my dad with smiles all across their faces and my dad hugging up Mickey like if there was no tomorrow . I swear I thought Mickey’s head was about to pop off on how my father was hugging him.
Their trip down here to Florida is something I will never forget , its something that will always stay in my heart because I know I made a difference in my parents life . Not only mentally but emotionally. I am happy they came down here and saw how much of a person I have grown up to and how I was capable of keeping myself in track this whole time.

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