Vacation…. Guest point of view

So my family came down to visit me and I didnt know how much I missed them until they got here. I got to see a lot of things in the point of view of a guest. All the things they see I saw. I saw the great customer service in action and how everyone did there best to make my daywonderful. It was a great vacation even though I still had class. This experience was a good one in the way it made me appreciate what I do on a daily basis. I do a great job.

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2 Responses to Vacation…. Guest point of view

  1. Fiona says:

    It’s definitely important and helpful to not just complete our work tasks but also to see how we do during our daily working basis as guests ourselves. Honestly, as a housekeeper, I started a habit of sitting on my guests’ toilet seat (with the cover closed) after cleaning the bathroom to make sure everything is okay in their point of view also. When we clean, we might’ve missed a spot that guests often takes notice of that we do not notice as housekeepers, so I definitely agree with you!

    Caribbean Beach Resort

  2. hsrtyuksel says:

    I agree with the both of you. If you wear the guests shoes and try to understand their feelings it also benefits us with providing a better service for them. I think about what will I like or make my day magical and try my best to apply it. I agree with Fiona 100%. I too, as a housekeeper once I walk into that room I look around, fix it up and once I am done. I check it out one last time and make sure it is pleasing and clean.

    Port Orleans Riverside

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