Journal 7

I keep on mentioning in all of my past journals that I have encountered my busiest day at work and this will be no different as yesterday proved to be my craziest shift thus far. It was extremely valuable in that I believe that I conquered the art of multitasking as a bell service dispatcher. For 4 hours straight at the beach club, phones were ringing off the hook as guests were in need of bellman assistance meanwhile their is a line of guests in front of me who need bags stored in our luggage room. As insane as it was, successfully completing yesterdays shift just shows that I can confidently have a handle on the spring break rush that will come.

A busy St. Patricks day ended with an amazing party at my coworkers house. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to spend the holiday with until the wee hours of the morning. A fun filled week was also topped off with grocery bingo where I won three bags of goodies.

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One Response to Journal 7

  1. hsrtyuksel says:

    It is good that you were able to manage to deal with all of the chaos. This includes without getting out of your role and all of the guests were not upset or anything. As far as multitasking goes that is going to be pretty popular amongst your work because that is all you are going to be doing.

    As far as grocery bingo goes congratualtions with the winning board. I am sure it came in handy.

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