Training Makes A Difference

I do feel that a company’s training sets the mood for a new hire as to how the company runs. Everyone leaves for a different reason, while I personally have not heard anyone leave because of the training, I know that it can be possible. Take for example Disney training. Disney has several online training materials which can be extremely daunting for those who are not computer savvy. I myself am not too found of doing things on the computer and it is a very intimidating thought for some people. training on a device that you are not comfortable with can really make a new hire step back until they have stepped right out of the company doors.

Now there is also the manner in which the training is done. I quite like how the company in the article highlights the new hires so that everyone can get to know their names and a little about them.  I know when my friend and I were at our first day on the job training we were introduced to the whole team by our trainer on request of our manager at a pre meal meeting. Everyone got to know our name, where we’re from and what we’re studying.That is a great feeling to be acknowledged because then everyone likes to step in and help you and not just have your trainer do everything. I was showed everything in my workplace right down to the crayons so that I knew where everything was. If the trainer had just mentioned it but not paint a visual for you so that you can follow what he or she is saying or at least show you what they were talking about you’d feel lost. And for many people, me included you don’t want to seem incompetent so you just nod and your head and smile and act like you know what they’re talking about and you have no clue. That can also be daunting on a new hire and make them to a quick round about right out the doors.

So while some may think that its just insane for anyone to leave because of the way a company trains it’s really not. You have to put yourself in each person’s shoes because everyone is an individual with individual strengths and comfort zones. And being able to recognize and work with these individual characteristics are what makes a company’s training seem effortless to everyone.

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