Week 3

This week proved to be very exciting because I finally had some shifts where it was a bit hectic but at the same time was where my true training had taken place. If your not actually dealing with guests one on one, everything else is just information that can and will get lost if not put to use. I have to say that I learned more in my past two days than I have in the past two weeks.

As a bell service dispatcher, we get numerous complaints on lost luggage especially when traveling from airport to resort via Disney Magical Express. Guests do not read the fine print where it states that the resort will recieve the luggage within 3-5 hrs after check in. I cant tell you how many people misinterpret that to mean after the plane landing instead. Plenty of guests dont even read the fine print and assume their bags are waiting for them upon arrival. Last night I had 6 of these complaints within a 20 minute span and each time I explained the procedure and even logged into the disneymagicalexpress website to show the actual tracking logs of their belongings. Each guest showed a genuine satisfaction that they got the information that was needed, even though they all said it was the last time that they will use the disney bus. So all in all, it was a bad experience for the guest but a great one for me.

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