Academic Self-Discovery: Literary Arts Festival pt. 1

If you are someone who enjoys writing, plans to have a career as a writer or just have a literary work that you’re pleased with, I’m here The Literary Arts Festival. The Literary Arts Festival (LAF) is a writing competition that takes place every year to celebrate the writing of students, faculty and staff. Students are highly encouraged to participate in this event by submitting their literary work for the many categories that can interests them. Upon submitting their writing it must be anonymous and they can only submit one entry for every category.

Winners of these categories not only get to celebrate having their work be considered amazing enough to win but also win prizes and have the opportunity to read their work during the night of the festival. The festival itself is an awesome event that has entertainment such as the City Tech Step Team, cool introduction videos by the LAF volunteers, and guest speakers whose works students have been reading in class for that semester. This year we even had a singer serenading us with angelic vocals.

Last year I found out about this event from my English professor and decided to not just volunteer with the LAF team but also submit an essay I had written the previous semster. I sent my work just to take a chance on it. I was just proud of that essay and decided to submit it. Yet, one morning a friend that had also submitted her own writing texted me to let me know that I was one of the winners. Learning this left me in disbelief and delighted. It also reminded me that no matter the career path I chose, writing would always be something I’m passionate about.

Academic Self-Discovery: Careers in Psychology

Psychology is a science that studies the mind, behavior and focuses on a myriad of topics. Some include understanding certain aspects of life, treatment of psychological disorders and how experience/surroundings can affect individuals. Almost everything can be viewed through a psychological perspective. Things like the states of consciousness, social psychology, the different ways of learning and even the interpretation of dreams. It is for this reason that research and theories are tested.

During my time at City Tech I have taken three psychology classes. The first one was Introduction to Psychology which informed me of the background and theories of the field and made me aware of some concepts. The second, Child Psychology made me look deep in myself and past to identify what attachment style I had and how my upbringing influenced the person I am today. And finally, pyschology of Adolescence and Adulthood in which I did service learning to go out into my community and help those that were less fortunate.

If you happen to be someone intrested in biology, sociology, understanding the brain and behavior, a career in this field just might be the one for you. There’s an extensive list of psychology careers that people can choose from. Careers such as Military psychologist, Physical therapist and Child abuse counselors. Programs and degree paths are available so make sure to do some research on the ones that spark your curiosity.

Thank you for reading. How is your academic self-discovery going? What cool career paths have you found or intrested in? Feel free to let me know.

Academic Self-Discovery: Behind The Films

There are two types of Financial Controllers:

A large production company, studio or broadcaster may employ a Production Accountant or qualified Accountant as a Financial Controller, to manage the finances of all of the company’s activities, including those of individual productions.
On larger productions, a freelance Senior Production Accountant may work as a Financial Controller to oversee the work of the Production Accountant and Accounts team.
The role of a Financial Controller is very challenging. They are responsible for controlling the accounting, taxation and financial analysis for all of the work a company does, including development, production and distribution.

Financial Controllers may supervise one or more full-time Assistants. On individual productions, Financial Controllers normally help Producers and Executive Producers to prepare budgets and raise finance, taking into account any relevant Government tax Incentive schemes.

Financial Controllers may undertake some or all of the Production Accountant’s activities. This can include tasks such as controlling cash flow so that payments are made on time and setting up and managing the Accounts team.

Will I need a qualification?
You will need a BA degree in Accountancy to become a qualified Accountant and then to have a number of years’ experience, ideally within film production, media or film finance.

To become a Financial Controller in permanent employment in a production companies you will usually need to be a Chartered Accountant with a solid grounding in company and commercial accounting. Freelance Senior Production Accountants who work as Financial Controllers on large films must have an excellent track record on large film productions.

Academic Self-Discovery: Mentorship

Mentoring is a way of passing down knowledge from one person to another, yet it is also deeper than that. It is also about helping the mentee gain confidence in themselves and for whatever it was they had difficulty with. That for me is the goal to have during the journey to academic self-discovery. Recently I was given an allegory on how impactful mentoring can be for all whose involved. The allegory goes like this: there is a dark room and inside are people holding candlesticks without flame. Then walks in a person with a candle that is lit. This person decides to share their light with another and now the room has a faint amount of light, however, it is still not bright enough. If the two share it with more and those they share it with do the same with the rest, eventually the entire romm will become illuminated. That is what mentoring is about. Giving “light” to those that are in need of it.

Mentorship is the act of teaching and learning, gaining information from those with more experience. This has been done for years and years and though we might not have called the people who are our gardians, siblings, friends, or teachers “mentors”, that is in a way what they are because they all contribute something to our lives. Most mentors have an insight on how things work from their own experiences, due to this they are able to give their mentee the best advise or support needed. Mentors in the field the mentee is attempting will know the right ways to push and motivate them to continue. It is not only the mentee that benefits form having a mentorship, the mentor also gains from this. The mentor will have the chance to test their skills and what they know and they most likely will be filled with the sense of purpose and accomplishment from helping others.

There are many programs and internships people can look up and join that involves mentoring. One of the programs that I know has mentoring opportunities at City Tech is BMI (Black Male Initiative). Despite their name they are open for all (women and people of other races). They provide academic help and guidance to make sure students do not just succeed but help others to succeed as well. I’ve heard personal stories of growth from members of that program, such as them being once too shy to speak to an audience to now being able to stand infront of a crowd and speak almost fully at ease. Mentorship is a great way to add something intresting to resumes, a great way of helping others and your community, a chance to improve at the things one struggles with, and so much more.

Have you ever been a mentor or a mentee? How was your experience like? If you want to share just leave a comment below. Thanks for reading.

Academic Self-Discovery

On Wednesday I walked out of my apartment wearing a hoodie and a jacket, thinking that outside was chilly based on how the previous days looked. When I got outside I was surprised by how warm the weather actually was. I had to go back inside and change. Some people even brought out their dresses and flip-flops as if it was summer. Yet later that day, weather reporters were talking about a snow storm heading our way for Thursday. Wait what? The snow fell so much that schools were closed and people were advised to stay safe. Crazy right? How the weather seem to change seasons in just one day. While this change can appear that way for us, is it not surprising at all for meteorologists. They are scientist that study the atmosphere and most of them in this field work for a “government agency, the National Weather Service”. What I understood of meteorologists prior to doing this post was that their job was to study past weather reports in preparation for what can occur in the future. However, they can do way more than that. According to the website ‘CollegeBoard‘, meteorologists can also be hired by businesses “to help them make decisions based on the weather.-Conduct research, [study] the atmosphere, climatic changes, or environmental problems”.

People who might be interested in going into this field must be good in using computers, doing math, science and English. The use of computers is highly important for this career. Meteorologist use computers and intricate math to interpret weather information. Some examples given on the site were for “temperature, wind speed, and humidity.” Those that consider this occupation must have a passion for the science behind it, so they must do well in the subject as well. Finally, they will need English because meteorologists are going to write down their reports and to do that they will need to make sure they are clear in the point they are trying to make. Those that are grad students wanting to become a meteorologist do not need to “major in meteorology”, yet they would need to accomplish demanding course requirements if they desire to work for “the federal government right after earning [their] bachelor’s”. This field is competitive so getting a graduates degree can be just the something that makes you stand out.

Becoming a meteorologist can be an amazing job for those curious about the weather, change in climate and predicting if it will rain or snow. In my opinion it is a great field for those that have a love for the environment and are good in the subjects I mentioned above. If you want to know more about this career check the website provided in this post as well as the link on that page. Thank you for reading. If you found this post interesting, helpful or whatever- you can leave a comment bellow and be sure to continue to explore your own path towards academic self-discovery.

Academic-Self Discovery: Programs, Clubs and More

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear”- Jack Canfield.

I’ve touched on this subject before but fear is something that can often cause miss opportunities. It might hold one back and make them doubt themselves and/or their goals. When it comes to me, I get really anxious and start talking myself out of things I will want do, however what I have found helps me to combat fear is taking those chances anyway. Some of the ways I do this is by joining and taking part in things that spark my interest, for example writing.

Writing makes me realize that the experience gained when not letting fear get in the way is greater than letting those chances go by. Writing is a great form of expression for me and it is a way of connecting, so finding out about cool events or projects (Literary Arts Festival, Seek Ink and The Buzz) that deal with writing, I knew I had to put myself out tbere. To which I endes up glad that I did because they helped me challenge my craft and encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone.

The possibilities of exhibiting your skills are endless. There are opportunities in schools and online. If one were to prefer starting with something less out there, I would suggest joining clubs or workshops at their school. This works well because it allows the output of creativity as well as learning and sharing from their fellow club members. While if someone is more comfortable with the thought of participating locally, looking online for projects, contests or residencies could be the way to go. There are a myriad of sites that have programs one can apply for. This can be a stepping stone for their career or be something that looks great on their resume.

Here are some sites you can check out-


I think it is important for someone to take a chance and put themselves out there, despite fears and doubts. The outcome will do more to benefit them in the long run.

Academic Self-Discovery: Forensic Artist

There are many careers out there that allow an individual to use their talents to make a difference. If one were interested in art as well as in law enforcement, becoming a forensic sketch artist might be a satisfying occupation. Being a forensic artist is a career that combines both artistic creativity and helps protect citizens. People in this line of work have often been portrayed on television as helping to find criminals based on the descriptions they’re given and are also seen by their work to find missing people on the news.

Forensic artist usually do their work by hand, however if they have to show age progression they can use computer graphic programs. Their skills are not only put to use to find suspects, missing or unidentifiable people. Forensic artist also prepare reports, exhibits and displays for court proceedings. They can “enhance or alter surveillance photographs as they interview informants, asking them to choose from examples of noses, eyes, mouths, foreheads and chins.” People in this field are required to collect a variety of features that can hopefully match what is being described. They must also be able to ask the right questions in order to get the best descriptions. This process can be challenging due to limited information or trial and error, as they update their work to correspond to eyewitness reports.

Someone who wishes to go into this career will have to recieve an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in graphic design. Having an internship and doing art workshops can help future forensic artists gain the experience employers will look for. Finally, to become a forensic artist, an art certification through the International Association for Identification (IAI) will be needed. To obtain an IAI certification, candidates should have two years of criminal sketching experience, be supported by a law enforcement agency, have a professional portfolio and pass a written exam.

Finding a career choice that best fits your passion and talents is out there.

Academic Self-Discovery: Patricia Bright

a tall woman with long black hair, dressed in black, on a cobblestone street

For me, it is always nice to hear the stories behind how a person has gotten into the career they are in today. It makes me remember that academic-self discovery is also about trial and error. One of my favorite YouTube vloggers is Patricia Bright. Patricia is a UK vlogger whith a YouTube channel that focuses on fashion, beauty and adventure. Yet, what I admire most about her channel is that she also posts videos on her life experinces. She gives advice and shares stories on what she has learned growing up in order to inspire, be an example or teach others. Stories on topics such as college, family, confidence, what she would tell her younger self, her career and more.

On a video titled “My Career & Job Salary Mean Bosses, Being Fired & More”, Patricia talks about all her work experinces- the good and bad- and what she has gained from these experinces. She talks about how her first job was in retail, selling wedding and prom dresses for most of her time at University. However, in her last two years of University she no longer enjoyed working there and decided to quit to do hair. Although doing people’s hair was something she loved and called herself “A livingroom hairstylist”, it was something that she did just to “make a living”. Right out of University, Patricia decided to do an internship in investment banking within technology. Though she did not have a degree technology, she did have one in accounting. This internship had a dinner event for the students applying, so a friend of hers told her to go to network. Patricia went prepared, ready to engage, appeared enthusiastic and had several financial qestions. It is because of her eagerness that the recruiter came to her and talked with her a little more than they did with the other students there.

In this moment in telling this story, Patricia advises her viewers who are looking to do an internship to also network. To go to events that the internship is having and to go there “keen”. Basically, to go there with questions and comments that make you stand out, let people know that you did your research and that you are qualified for the position. Patrica then talks about how her internship was extremely competitive and that she had to take an entrance exam in which she failed because she did not study as much material as she should’ve had. I like that she mentions this because most times I fear the idea of failure yet failing something does not mean it is the end. Due to how memorable she was at the dinner, Patricia got her second chance. The recruiter of the internship told her to come back and take the exam over and this time she passed.

In doing this internship she felt as if she did not fit in. Though she worked really well there, she was the youngest on her team, “was so quiet and awkward”, and was always told that she had to “get out of her shell”. Getting out of her shell was difficult for her because she did not feel confident in herself. Leaving that job she became a consultant. This she said was the hardest job she has ever done because of the long hours spent on doing proposals and how she felt she had no time to actually live her life. However, it is because of her experiences at these jobs that she had people calling her to work at different banks and firms and she ended up getting a call from a bank in Tokyo. At this point in her life she became very confident in herself and her knowledge. Working there, she was always able to bring something to the table and felt that her opinions were valued.

Patricia concludes her video by saying “Everyone starts from somewhere and confidence comes with time.” Despite the job experinces that made her realize they were not for her, she did learn and grow from each. Within time she became more confident in herself and in her work. Some of the key things she feels applies to success in any career is “alot of hardwork, sleepless nights, late nights, [and] applying and teaching [yourself] a lot of things.”

Academic Self-Discovery: Relatable Characters


The topic of finding out passions and going after dreams not only come into play in the real world but also in art and works of literature. By doing this, it allows the directed audience to see and relate to some of the struggles the characters face, making the characters feel more real as well as getting the intended story or message out there. This has been done in inspirational movies like “Gifted Hands” and “The Pursuit of Happyness” which focuses on the hardships the main characters face and their stories of perseverance to reaching their goals.

Two semesters ago I read a book with a collection of short stories called Drown by Junot Diaz. In this work of literature, the character Yunior struggles with wanting to explore more from the life he is given but does not know exactly what it is he is searching for. He wants to leave his neighborhood and his lifestyle of selling drugs yet has no direction or guidance to show him a way out. The book lets us know that Yunior has an interest in writing and if he chooses to leave his neighborhood to better himself, a career in writing could be what he decides to do. Yunior to me represents the fear of what if something does not work out and the moment before taking a chance. If Yunior decides to pursue a career in what he enjoys, it just might be what gets him out of his situations.

Yunior is a character that is written to feel relatable. Though I do not share the same experiences and hardships as him, I do understand what it’s like to be stuck. I sometimes get stuck in bad habits that hinder my growth in chasing the career that I want. Realizing that I do not wish to stay stuck is what I usually need to get out. It is what I believe Yunior will come to realize one day.

Have you read anything or seen movies/shows that is about characters chasing their dreams? If so, feel free to share. I’d love to check them out.

Academic Self-Discovery: The Keys

Chinese characters with the translation "Fall down seven times, stand up eight."

In my previous post a fellow blogger, Amanda, commented that my “dedication will take [me] a very long way” and that I should “remember to never give up and keep trying!” No matter how many times similar advice have been given by family members, friends, teachers or even celebrity members it is always greatly appreciated. Encouragement can mean alot when figuring out vocational direction. When it comes to chasing dreams, learning to fly, and exploring passions/career goals there will be obstacles to face – as like all things in life. Sometimes on the journey to this passionate occupation hardships and/or doubt will arise. One can find themselves in situations that make it seem like what they aspire to attain is unachievable. There might be days when thoughts come along of being inadequate to the field in comparison to better suited peers.

Something that have personally helped me in these moments is reminding myself that I can only be me. I like some competition every now and then because it makes me really push myself and helps me learn from others, yet what I really believe is that focusing on myself is *DJ Khaled voice* the major key. Focusing on if I am improving or not and worrying less about if I am as good as someone else. What I have come to learn -as cliche as it sounds- is to do the best that I can. And doing my best does not mean that I do not reach out for help when I need it but actually the opposite. Doing my best means that I really work for something and reach out for assistance if I need it to get to where I wish to be.

Another thing that has helped me is knowing the reason why I am doing something. Am I doing it for myself? For my family? For the money? Does it make me happy? Having a good reason to work hard for something can be really motivational. Influencing others in a positive way has always been important to me. I remember being in this club my junior year in high school and talking about what jobs we wanted to pursue. I did not know exactly what I wanted then but I knew that I wanted to make an impact on people’s lives in some shape or form. That is why I write and why I am interested in becoming a physical therapist. Though I write for fun, it is also a way I can share and connect with others while becoming a physical therapist is a way I can support and give treatment to people in need.

I’m sure there are more things that I have applied to my life during times of uncertainty that I can bring up however, the final thing I will say is that it is important to belive in yourself (I know, I know. Another cheesy cliche) but it is true. I struggle with this just like most people but believing in myself, in my skills and in my dreams allows me to take chances instead of letting the fear of failure win or thinking about the what if’s. Even if things do not work out the way I planned them to and I have setbacks, believing in myself makes it possible for me to have a mindset that says “I can do this” and get back up and try again.

If anyone would like to share their own experiences and the different ways they faced challenging times or feelings of doubt, feel free to do so. No pressure though. And if there are any other comments you might have about this post I would love to read them. Thank you for reading!