Academic Self-Discovery: The Keys

Chinese characters with the translation "Fall down seven times, stand up eight."

In my previous post a fellow blogger, Amanda, commented that my “dedication will take [me] a very long way” and that I should “remember to never give up and keep trying!” No matter how many times similar advice have been given by family members, friends, teachers or even celebrity members it is always greatly appreciated. Encouragement can mean alot when figuring out vocational direction. When it comes to chasing dreams, learning to fly, and exploring passions/career goals there will be obstacles to face – as like all things in life. Sometimes on the journey to this passionate occupation hardships and/or doubt will arise. One can find themselves in situations that make it seem like what they aspire to attain is unachievable. There might be days when thoughts come along of being inadequate to the field in comparison to better suited peers.

Something that have personally helped me in these moments is reminding myself that I can only be me. I like some competition every now and then because it makes me really push myself and helps me learn from others, yet what I really believe is that focusing on myself is *DJ Khaled voice* the major key. Focusing on if I am improving or not and worrying less about if I am as good as someone else. What I have come to learn -as cliche as it sounds- is to do the best that I can. And doing my best does not mean that I do not reach out for help when I need it but actually the opposite. Doing my best means that I really work for something and reach out for assistance if I need it to get to where I wish to be.

Another thing that has helped me is knowing the reason why I am doing something. Am I doing it for myself? For my family? For the money? Does it make me happy? Having a good reason to work hard for something can be really motivational. Influencing others in a positive way has always been important to me. I remember being in this club my junior year in high school and talking about what jobs we wanted to pursue. I did not know exactly what I wanted then but I knew that I wanted to make an impact on people’s lives in some shape or form. That is why I write and why I am interested in becoming a physical therapist. Though I write for fun, it is also a way I can share and connect with others while becoming a physical therapist is a way I can support and give treatment to people in need.

I’m sure there are more things that I have applied to my life during times of uncertainty that I can bring up however, the final thing I will say is that it is important to belive in yourself (I know, I know. Another cheesy cliche) but it is true. I struggle with this just like most people but believing in myself, in my skills and in my dreams allows me to take chances instead of letting the fear of failure win or thinking about the what if’s. Even if things do not work out the way I planned them to and I have setbacks, believing in myself makes it possible for me to have a mindset that says “I can do this” and get back up and try again.

If anyone would like to share their own experiences and the different ways they faced challenging times or feelings of doubt, feel free to do so. No pressure though. And if there are any other comments you might have about this post I would love to read them. Thank you for reading!