Falling in Bliss with these Foods

My friends and food continue to endlessly inspire and amaze me every year. The last 2-3 years, through dining experiences in school and with my loved ones, I’ve realized that there are a lot of food and beverages out there that I find complete happiness, comfort and most of all love in.

Last year was mussels, cold brew, lobster, and so much more. This year is a little different and I’d like to show you the foods I’ve been falling into bliss with:

plates of salmon sushi1. Salmon (Sashimi + Smoked Salmon)

I used to think that sashimi or even the idea of smoked salmon was disgusting. However, my boyfriend is the biggest salmon lover that I know and he has told me good salmon should never taste fishy. Last year, I started eating salmon rolls, spicy crunch salmon roll, and I loved it! Now onto smoked salmon, a friend brought smoked salmon with cream cheese rolled inside and I thought it was insanely good. Now every once in a while I do cook with smoked salmon or make smoked salmon crackers.dishes and drinks with mango2. Mango

I used to be allergic to mango, but somehow it disappeared and once in a while I still get an itchy throat if I eat too much. I started eating a lot of mango last year and now I love mango sago, mango smoothie, in sushi, in salads, and so much more.

food dishes containing avocado

3. Avocado

Based on a study that was read to my restaurant management class over the summer, avocado toast is one of the hottest food trends. I never really liked avocado before until I discovered guacamole. I enjoy eating avocado very much especially avocado toast and nothing make it taste better than a fried egg.

French onion soup

4. French Onion soup

French onion soup brings back memories of my dining room and culinary class that I took here at City Tech. I remember from the way it’s served, the type of bowl, and down to the type of broth and much more. This year I learned that my boyfriend loves French Onion soup and 90% of the time he will order it if we’re eating at an American or French restaurant, even at diners. I wanted to know exactly why he was so fascinated with this soup and  so we shared a bowl recently and it was great. First off, it smells insanely good and melted cheese make a lot of things taste better. When this soup is done right, it can really make you happy and full!

a bottle of Vita Coco coconut water

5. Vita Coco

My sister and mom have been drinking Vita Coco for more than a year now and they said it’s very refreshing and keeps you hydrated. This summer, I gave it a shot and I love it. It’s better than a lot of drinks I’ve had so far. I’ve tried pineapple and passion fruit and it’s excellent.

prosciutto on toast

6. Prosciutto

Last, but not least there’s another special food that I love and have ate, but never took it upon myself to cook or make food with it at home. Last summer and this year, I was exposed a lot to prosciutto and I loved it. I recently had one from Piccoli Trattoria. They had an amazing prosciutto with fig jam and on toasted bread. It was a good balance of salty and sweet.

So these are the six food items that I have fell in love with this year  and I am excited to see what I may try with the rest of this year and every year to come. I am excited to see what is next that will fascinate me.

What foods have you tried this year that you love or enjoy?

National Lemonade Day

a pitcher of lemonade

Image by: Brook Ferry

To all you lemonade fans out there, National Lemonade Day is this Saturday, August 20th. One of the most grueling beverages to make in terms of squeezing each lemon till its last drop of juice escape from the rind. But the outcome is deliciously rewarding after doing all that work unless, of course, you decide to purchase a cup of lemonade. While many do not get too obsessed with the importance of food themed days such as National Ice Cream Day etc., others have made these days so important in changing the lives of everyone around them. National Lemonade Day has become somewhat of a national holiday for some who have continued to acknowledge this day to pursue the dreams of a four year old, Alexandra “Alex” Scott. Her vision was to raise money by selling lemonade from a lemonade stand that she would hold in front of her home to help children suffering from pediatric cancer of all sorts with the funds she received.

a lemonade mix carton

Image by: pompomflipflop

Alex, herself, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma just before her first birthday and although doctors were doubtful that she would ever be able to walk due to the tedious treatment that would be necessary for her remission, Alex was determined and began to walk with the help of leg braces. She was regaining some of her strength and was defying the odds but was faced with unfortunate news, after two years when her tumors began to grow again. When she was only four years old she received a stem cell transplant and while recovering she constantly told her mother how much she wanted to run a lemonade stand to help other children. Despite struggling to brave the fight of her own cancer, Alex ran her first lemonade stand later that year with her family’s help which raised $2,000. It sparked a chain reaction when news broke about this cause and many began to sell lemonade while giving the proceeds directly to Alex to help her with her mission to benefit childhood cancer research. Alex became the founder of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation and helped raised over a million dollars for cancer research. Yet, her cancer had progressed and Alex passed away in August of 2004 at only eight years old. Though many are still holding lemonade stands and donating to help further Alex’s vision.

In her memory, many use National Lemonade Day to help donate with a beverage that meant so much to Alex and so many other children that were helped by her mission. Restaurants all over the country are selling lemonade to donate to Alex’s foundation be sure to look out for them but Red Robin and Auntie Anne’s are just a few that will be offering lemonade and will be taking donations as well..

Comment below with your thoughts of National Lemonade Day or make a comment with a shout-out to someone you know who is struggling with a life-threatening disease/illness.

Blogology: Have fun!

While technically there are blogging jobs writing a blog shouldn’t necessarily feel like one. The old saying goes “ if you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life” and it’s pretty spot on. If you don’t love blogging, or writing in general, then the experience wont be fun for you and that will translate into your writing. It’s easy to see when someone wrote something because they had to and while you might not have a choice at work you absolutely do with a personal blog.


Like I’ve mentioned before write about something you know and love or about something you’re learning to do and share your experiences doing so but whatever it is should make you happy on and off the blog. Some people write how to or food blogs other people write parenting or lifestyle blogs but regardless of the topic it is one that is close and important to them. Here are three ways to have fun and make your blog interesting and upbeat,

Have guest bloggers

Sometimes its fun to compare and contrast two styles of writing or viewpoints and readers might appreciate the change of pace. Be sure though that you proofread and discuss with your guest the limits and do’s and don’ts of your blog, you don’t want to lose readers.

Do interviews

Instead of just writing from the first person maybe take your topic and interview someone who has been through it too. For example if you’re going to write about changing jobs or interning experience try to interview someone who’s done it before.

Pictures, pictures, pictures

Visual elements are key because people are more likely to click on links with interesting and well-shot photos. If your topic is pretty straight forward, like this one, pick a unique and interesting thumbnail for it.

Writing is a passion for many people and when they choose to write in their spare time it’s often online now days so exposure is much easier. Enjoying what you’re writing about is so important and baring writing for work writing on your own blog opens endless doors of possibility. For some ideas on how to start a blog or refresh your current on check out my previous posts this summer.

How Blogging Has Changed My Life

a woman's lap, a coffee cup in her hand, and a laptop keyboard

Image Credit: Terriers & Tweeds

As you may know I started blogging at the age of fourteen, but at fourteen I didn’t know the word blogging even thought it was what I was doing. I used to blog with Xanga.com until my second year at City Tech and than I took a very long break which I shouldn’t have.

Between 2008 – 2010, I was in love for the very first time with someone I truly cared about and meant everything to me, granted I was only 19 and he was 20 when we met, but it was the kind of love that I felt could have never been replaced. Unfortunately, it didn’t end well in July 2009 and it really had an effect on me and it was a time like that in my life that I forgot all about blogging, about writing my heart out, about sharing my pain, and etc. I wished I had continued to blog during the period of mending a broken heart, but I forgot and I was a mess.

In 2010, I decided to get back into blogging after watching “Julie & Julia” because that movie really paved the way for me to start blogging again even though I may not always get comments, feedback, or noticed either way what I write is there and it’s real. It wasn’t just blogging I started in Mid-2010, but I created a Yelp account where I decided to start reviewing restaurants and places I’ve eaten at without expecting any results or following. I also started blogging again about life, food, cooking, and much more.

Between 2011 and 2012, I was still a little rusty with blogging. However, after discovering I have a great passion for food and eating I decided to start food blogging and writing about the dishes I’ve eaten and the places I’ve been to. When I look at my Yelp reviews and blog posts, it’s quite amazing how many places I’ve eaten, tried, and seen. I still blog because I love it and I love writing and I love sharing my experiences with someone on the other side of the computer that may find my words inspiring.

I realized that one reason why I never wrote about how I felt and the pain I accumulated in 2009 – 2010 was because I didn’t want myself to go back and read about it because it would just make me cry and the pain I felt is something I never want anyone else to feel or experience. I also realized that during a dark time in your life, you need to find what it is that you love to do that makes you happy because that could be the solution to mending a broken heart.

“Julie & Julia” and a few individuals made me realize how important blogging is because for someone like me, I like to write, but on a blank white screen like I am right now. The influences and followers in my life made me realize that I do offer relevant information, that someone does care, that what I write matters. You should NEVER forget what it is that you love to do.

I’m not an individual that expects comments, feedback, money, an arm or leg to read my blog. I just simply like to write my experiences and share it and if someone reads it, that’s great. Blogging has made me a stronger person, a better writer, a better blogger, and a better person online and offline.

Do you blog and how has it change your life?

the words "Just keep blogging..." in black letters, four times

One of the hardest things about blogging is to keep your blogs going without burning out. We all get busy and weary at times and it can begin to wear us down. The key to blogging is longevity and showing up with content is the challenge. But it’s often like hitting a wall. Maybe your blogs are becoming mundane and you feel that you have no more to say. So why should you bother blogging?

The answer is because there is so much to gain and there is a return on investment. Consider expanding on your ideas and taking them in a new direction. My motivation is to keep things exciting and think of new ways to express myself. This is something I have decided to do with my blogs and it has brought about a whole new level of excitement for me. Don’t try to go it alone; there are so many resources and collaboration that we can utilize.

So how do we continue to encourage ourselves to show up? Just like anything else, if we try, we can keep going.

And don’t worry if your blog is short. Just as long as you keep writing, there will be a return on investment.

Who is BkMSCC?

Today I spoke with Latywonna Thornton, my board member who is a Co-Founder of Brooklyn Multi-Service Community Center Corp and founder of TKG. She was a teacher of the East New York community and is a parent of a growing child in Ocean Hill. I asked her a few questions about her current initiatives.

five young women in white T-shirts

1. Who are What is BkMSCC?
BKMSCC is a tax exempt 501C3 organization that provides multi-cultural arts, after school programs, summer enrichment, business development, senior citizen services and more to different communities in Brooklyn.

2. What are your goals?
My goals are to help improve the quality in the lives of many community members by offering transporting services to the seniors and children from events, workshops, showcases, seminars, and fundraisers. To also assist people through workshops preparing for job readiness, financial budgeting, social responsibilities, health awareness, environmental cleanliness, and foster togetherness.

3. What is your main focus?
My main focus is to help the organization grow and enhance the lives of community members by creating services and more opportunities for advancement at the Brooklyn Multi-Service Center Corp.

a girl getting her face painted

4. If you can do anything in the world what would you do?
If I could do anything in the world right now I would put a stop to world hunger and homelessness.

5.What community do you service?
I service Brownsville, East New York, And Bushwicka young woman standing by a table covered in non-perishable food

6. I know you are the founded of TKG, an organization with close relations with BKMSCC. Can you tell me about that and their efforts.
Thornton-Kilpatrick & Gold Transportation also known as TKG is a prestigious white glove commuter service that works closely with BKMSCC. TKG’s mission is to provide safe and exceptional door to door transportation for senior citizens, adults and children. It is with honor that we serve our members and customers with high quality satisfaction and commitment. We also offer a prevention of community deterioration program for environmental cleanliness.

7. What events do you have coming up?
Some of our upcoming events this year include August 27th “Back to School Drive, September 10th “Film Screening”, October 15th “How to start a Business”, November 10th”Financial Workshop”.

flyer of a school-supply drive event

8. Where can we find you on social media. You can find us by visiting www.bkmscc.org or Facebook @BkMSCC Instagram & Twitter @BrooklynMSCC. TKG Transportation is on Facebook as well.

The Power of the Avocado

olympic size pool

Image by: fina1908

This summer has been an extra special one with the help of Summer Olympics. I have always been greatly fond of the summer games that are played during the Olympics. As a child, I struggled a lot with many issues that were caused by the chaos that consumed my childhood. My mother was a single parent, my father had left when I was only two years old so I only have a few memories of him most of which were not positive ones. I was the middle child and I never really felt that I had a place in my family, I was never noticed. I just lived in the shadow of my older sister and in some ways I feel the same way. My mother never really showed much affection, she was never one to say ” I love you” or “I’m proud of you”. She mostly favored my older sister so I never felt significant to this world or to my family, I just blended in.

During my adolescence, my mother had decided that we, my sisters and I, needed to find a hobby or a sport to utilize our free time with and somehow we decided on swimming. Words cannot even begin to describe how much swimming has made an impact on my life, it gave me a reason to live. For a certain extent of my life, it gave me purpose as I had never felt that I had such a calling for something. It defined me and I constantly wanted to be better in every single stroke.

Now as I watch the Olympics and I am reminded of how swimming honestly saved my life. I do not know where I would be without having the ability to swim. Since the Olympics is taking place in Brazil this year. I have been inspired by Brazilian cuisine which is widely influenced by the use of avocados. Brazil uses avocados in both traditional meals and desserts because of its rich texture and delicious flavor.

Below is a recipe for an Avocado Creme Brulee:

Creme Brulee de Abacate

*Serves 4*
1 cup sweetened condensed milk
2 avocados, peeled, pitted and sliced
Fresh Lemon Juice to taste
1/2 cup sugar for topping
Kitchen Torch
1) Place the condensed milk and avocados into a food processor and process until the mixture is a smooth and even consistency.
2) Slowly add the lemon juice to taste.
3) Using a spatula, scrape the mixture into four ramekins, making sure it is nice and flat inside the ramekin. Let them chill for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator.
4) Right before serving, spread a thin layer of sugar evenly over the tops of each one.
5) Ignite your kitchen torch and melt the sugar slowly and evenly. Do this until the layer of sugar browns and begins melting and bubbling.
6) Allow to cool for 2 before serving.
7) Serve and enjoy!

Adapted from Easy Brazilian Recipes

Comment on a moment that changed your life and made your life have purpose. And if you haven’t had that moment yet I want you to understand that life itself has purpose and that you were given this life to live for a reason.

Blogology: Standing out

Now days every time you open up you computer you’re inundated with blogs and vlogs and everything in between but with so much volume how do you make your work stand out? Well as discussed previously you need to secure things like your theme, posting schedule and word choice but there are other ways to be unique to your readers and potential audience.

Personal Touch

When somebody you know personally reads something from you it’s likely that they notice your style of writing and personal details and appreciate them. Similarly regular readers of your blog will become familiar with your writing and come to enjoy your touches of personality in each post. So even if you’re writing about a familiar subject or a broad topic your personal touches add a new spin and a fresh view.


Speak in the first person

When you choose to speak third person or from a distanced point of view the post lacks a personal or real life connection. Writing from a place of experience or sincerity will show and will resonate with readers to hopefully come back for future posts.


Cliff Hangers

When you title your posts and write a few sentences about it you should always use descriptive and intriguing language. Make the audience interested enough to read along but don’t give enough away where they wont read the entire post.

Whenever we do something that is the at the moment thing like blogging we strive to be the best and to get recognition for our efforts. It doesn’t happen over night and it takes a fair amount of dedication to do, but it is doable. If you’re committed and passionate about your writing it will show. For more tips and tricks check out my previous blog posts or follow me on twitter!

A Blogging Tip I Want to Share with You

a laptop on a desk

Image Credit: Aquila Style

It was about five years ago when I was blogging for a food blogging community known as IReallyLikeFood (currently non existent) where I was on a team with bloggers like The Buzz, but I was specifically on a team of food bloggers and every blogger had their own original and authentic voice, background, and style.

At the start of my internship, I was going through a rough time in my life because my grandpa became ill and passed away two weeks after I started at this internship. I started out as an editorial intern where I was given a project for 2-3 months and I had to write 8 blog posts per week when there’s only seven days a week, but I did it. We also had an internal weekly calendar where each blogger had their own excel sheet and where they can copy + paste the links/topics for each post. Week after week, my stats and views were skyrocketing high to the point where I made the Top Contributor list on numerous occasions.

After I completed 2-3 months of my internship, I met with my manager over coffee where we discussed my evaluation and the progress of my blog posts. She had a couple of questions about my topics/ideas because it seemed like I was a machine of endless, fun, trendy, and cultural blog posts. I blogged about anything from a restaurant experience, Starbucks vs. Dunkin Donuts, my infatuation with Thai food, food photography, my obsession with clams, Chinese food and etc.

My manager was very impressed with how versatile I was and etc. The best blogging tip/words of wisdom I learned from her was that she told me to ALWAYS remember that I have an endless inspiring figures and inspiration where I can easily be inspired to create a blog post. She said it truly shared in my blog posts because I do share a lot of the dishes that my mom makes and there are instances where I always drive my blog post back to my Chinese and family roots.

If you’re a blogger and your reading this, I want you to ALWAYS  remember that the next blog post is at arms length or at your finger tips. You may not realize it now, but you will. Sometimes the simplest person, event, or things in your life can be the trigger to you creating the next blog post. DON’T be afraid of who or what is in your life and just be inspired by what you have in your life or what has happened in your life. NEVER  forget your biggest supporters, readers, and events in your life and always surround yourself with ideas, inspiration, and keep yourself abreast of what’s going on in your passion.


"Watch your tone." in white letters

Image Credit

By now having read all the blogs about blogging, you probably realize that it’s not just “a walk in the park”. To make it successful, you need to put some thought into it. Even more so if you want to do it for a living. One area that I previously struggled was with the tone of my blogs. Initially, my writing style was stiff. I use to write in a strictly formal way. After all, having spent so many years of writing term papers and professional documents for work, it was what I was used to.

But I realized that people are more likely to listen to a friend talking than a person giving a lecture. It doesn’t matter what the subject is, you can still have a conversational tone that will make your blog more approachable and enjoyable.  Like me, if your blogs are of a professional and career orientated nature, it can still have a conversational tone.

So now I write the way I talk— in a more conversational way that connects with my audience. This way, my blogs are much more approachable. Writing, as if I am talking to someone, makes my message more effective. But if you’re not used to it and this is hard for you, here are a few ways to get better at it:

  1. Record yourself talking to a friend. Explain something to your friend and talk naturally as you normally would. Then listen to your conversation. Did you sound clear or were you confusing?
  1. Use contractions when possible. That means when you can say something in a shorter way, use it. For example, “don’t” instead of “do not” and “or “that’s” instead of “that is”.
  1. Use shorter sentences and paragraphs—something I am always trying to remember. Break up your sentences by using commas, semicolons and ellipses instead of being redundant.
  1. Start sentences with “and”, “but”, or “So”. It’s perfectly correct to do so.  Starting a sentence with “and” or “but” lets that sentence stand out from the others while still carrying over the thought from a previous sentence.
  1. Lastly, use common words. Yes, my blogs are about professional development but it doesn’t mean I can’t make things as simple as possible for my readers.


There’s much more I could say but I don’t want to overwhelm you. So don’t panic. Practice and you will get it just right.