Roland Barthes’ “Rhetoric of the Image” essay from Image – Music – Text, Translated by Stephen Heath. Hill and Wang, 1977. (excerpt).

  • Define and identify the three types of messages that Barthes breaks down in the Panzani advertisement (linguistic, coded iconic, non-coded iconic).
  • How is the Panzani advertisement trying to persuade and influence the viewer?

In the essay, Roland Barthes breaks down the Panzani advertisement into the three different types of message. The linguistic message includes the brand name which is “Panzani” and the product name “Pates” or “Spaghetti”. This provides information about the product to the customers.

Coded iconic messages in this case would be considered the visual signs and symbols that are part of the culture. For example, Barthes identifies the elements  of the market basket, the ingredients such as garlic and the vegetable, like tomatoes as well as the pasta. These elements demonstrate the authenticity and the tradition of the Italian Cuisine. 

The non-coded iconic message would be the visual elements in the image. In the Panzani ad, Barthes identifies the vibrant colors and the fresh ingredients that are used to create something aesthetically appealing as well as to evoke the emotions of freshness and quality for the customer. 

The way that the Panzani advertisement is trying to persuade or influence the viewer/customers is by using different strategies. One of these persuading methods is by associating the product or element by referencing the Italian cuisine with its taste and quality to have the customer create their own perception of the brand. The other method is by using vibrant colors to portray tasty and fresh products evoking an emotion in the viewer’s side thus motivating them to try to choose this product instead of the competitors.