Hall, Sean. This Means This, This Means That : A User’s Guide to Semiotics, Laurence King Publishing, 2012 (Chapters 1 & 2) pgs 21-67.

In the article, “This Means that And This Means This”, Laurence King states that there are various signs and systems of communications that remade certain aspects of words in their true definitions. Its representations can be interpreted differently with the way we understand language in general. In the article, one might see a certain sentence in a pure simplistic way while another in a more complex manner. A problem that this generalizes is the amount of influence this (or one) holds when viewing the words and or the world itself.  How we see the world is not in a direct form but rather various means of communication. Depending on who sees it or rather the way the system sees it, its pure form can be changed in how we think its aspects are ,either radical or fundamental. For example, from the article laurance says : “ Suppose I look intelsley at a painting. Then i remark, the colors are very bright.’’ One might say that he is saying that the colors in a painting are as bright as what he said. However another will view this as sarcasm stating that it is dull and just hurts his eyes which can also indicate that he doesn’t like the painting. When trying to understand the way people see the world, it’s important to try and see how they view certain aspects in life. Literal meanings are important when communicating so we can further understand one another. If one were to use non literary concepts to speak, then they will be more punctual and to the point than one that will be more prone to using figurative languages. However, using non literary concepts is a better alternative as well because you can be more straightforward in speaking to convey meaning for things like advertisements or claims. An example for this can be seen in Sean Hall’s references: Course in General Linguistics. In this excerpt, Conceptions can be identified as language in its basic elements that can show a list of words that also identifies one thing such as a synonym. They can identify similar characteristics, but not a specific word that can in turn, link to one definition.This can (in time) turn to a multitude of collection of social interaction. As time passes, words and its basis will change that will also further narrate language and its developments.