
  • Define and identify the three types of messages that Barthes breaks down in the Panzani advertisement (linguistic, coded iconic, non-coded iconic).
  • How is the Panzani advertisement trying to persuade and influence the viewer?


Roland Barthes’ “Rhetoric of the Image” essay from Image – Music – Text, Translated by Stephen Heath. Hill and Wang, 1977. (excerpt)

In the excerpt written by Roland Barthes he firstly mentions the product of the pates panzani yields a linguistic message. A linguistic message describes what the time actually is, or you can say what is it? Looking at the advertisement it is literally showing us pasta, a tin , some tomatoes and onions with pasta in a green and red bag . 

Moving on from the linguistic meaning of advertisement we move in a denotational message. Denotational message could be defined as the way that we as a viewer perceive the advertisement. What is it telling us? Instead of just pointing out the stuff we can see. Barthes

Talks about a scene where the goods could have been purchased from a market. Looking at the produce they appear free which could be of good quality. The bag is opened which could imply that the groceries are being placed on a table or the string bag was tipped over and spilled over the table. The vegetables could be used as a signifier to show that the pasta is Italian or the product comes from italy.