Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2023

Research Project Outline – SC

Bring Back The Bauhaus


My research project will focus on the Bauhaus as both a movement and a school and how its foundations and curriculum have changed into what we call art education today. The main question that I will explore is: are we doing enough to emulate the great progress made at the Bauhaus School regarding art movements and have art schools deviated too far from the great ideas and methods of the Bauhaus School and turned art into general education?


The Bauhaus school was the first of its kind to solidify art education into a system and developed their curriculum to cover all necessary basic principles of art, while also incorporation spirituality, physical wellness, and theater. This ensured that their students were in their best disposition to create all the art they were producing. It seemed that the curriculum was heavily focused on making sure that the students practiced their craft over and over to achieve perfection while at the same time maintaining a good balance between creating works of art and wellness.


My topic is significant because it examines the cultural shift that has occurred since the Bauhaus movement and how it has affected both the possibility of a new art movement and the curriculums of art schools. This is meaningful to me because as a current student of art, especially in a country so notorious for having so many issues with their Department of Education, I am interested and anxious in navigating the harsh corporate/capitalist world that exist beyond school doors successfully. At a time when I am exposed to the talent and success of so many others because of social media and the internet, it is extremely important for me to feel like I am working towards these goals and practicing my art as much as I can. I am hesitant and impatient because technology keeps advancing and it makes it more difficult every day to prove that the human element is needed for art to be produced.

Method & Design

I will research the curriculum at The Bauhaus and compare it to a contemporary art school’s curriculum. I will study the Bauhaus as a movement and comment on how technology and current art school curriculums has stolen our next art movement form us, both in concept (AI) and in skill (art school curriculums).


  • “Bauhaus Movement Overview.” The Art Story,
  • Casciato, Maristella. Bauhaus. 10 June 2019,

1 Comment

  1. Joseth

    I love the conversation about education in Sebastian’s project. It highlights so many issues in the education system today. There should be more support in finances and resources within the education system.

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