Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | SPRING 2023

Reading Response 3 – J.P

Bauhaos, Moholy-Nagy

Madeleine Morley; Master LászlĂł Moholy-Nagy Saw Photoshop Coming, 90 Years Ahead of Time (2019), AIGA Eye on Design, LászlĂł Moholy-Nagy; Typophoto (1925): Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field by Helen Armstrong on pages 32-34, Jan Tschichold, “The Principles of the New Typography” 1928: Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field by Helen Armstrong on pages 35-38.


According to these authors, what is their aesthetic approach, and why is it better than the traditional design/typography of the past?

What role should typography, photography, and other media play in shaping a new kind of design? 

How did technological advances influence aesthetic forms and theories in early 20th Century design?


Their aesthetic approach seems to champion the idea of early adoption and integration of technology. With new technology, the ideas and perceptions of typography and design are changing. There is a great emphasis by Moholy, of the increasing importance of the technologies from his time in comparison to the future, inspiring his early adoption of new tech. Tschichold makes the point that new design prioritizes clarity more than organization. Photography played the role of providing a more effective way of designing and communicating.

This is accomplished through how photos can cause emotion and be used as guides. Photomontages are similar to typography in how they both can look disarranged. A common theme is clear messaging and ideals not being as common. Both are forms of expression but each take the same amount of effort. This shapes new design because expression is be promoted due to the ease of communication that social media is providing us. Tech advances influenced looks of designs due to how important it was to mainitaining order.

Both authors may agree that catastrophes and lack of fundamentals may be a result of the movements formed and forming. With more technology readily available, there would be more restrictions and rules to follow. Typography and photography serve as the foundations for much of everything we do today so their roles can be shaping society and culture as we know it. This could demand that traditional styles be integrated and not forgotten. They convey that type and photo share a spirit, emotion and culture.


Talking Technology

slippery nature of texts

Collective Interaction

1 Comment

  1. Jenna Spevack

    Good work, Jesus. I’ve added a few comments/questions in Hypothesis where additional clarification/explanation would be helpful. Let me know if you have questions.

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