Hello all,

Here are two important reminders:

  1. Week 14 presenters should be prepared to present their Research Projects. Unfortunately, if you missed or were late for the last class, you are likely in the Week 14 slot. See the sign-up sheet.
    • Jennell, Lizbeth, Ziqi, Jonathan, Abenezer, Nina, and Morgan, please come prepared to present your Research Project in whatever shape. Remember, this is a friendly review. The goal is to get feedback from your peers and improve your work.
  2. By this Tuesday, Dec. 5th, add a comment with a link to your Research Project Presentation post (in progress) on Discussion: Research Project Feedback. And give feedback on your classmates’ work before Thursday. If you haven’t contributed much in class, this is your chance to participate and support your fellow classmates.

If you’d like to meet to discuss your research project, please contact me to schedule a time. And as always, be in touch with any other questions or concerns.