Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | FALL 2023 | Thurs 2:30pm

 Research Project Presentation – ZL

Aesthetics In The Gaming Industry



  1. Jonathan Rodriguez

    I enjoyed how you delved in to the business side of the topic but I would add more design sided material. I would try to talk about the techniques they use in the illustrations for the merch, digital content, and art for advertisements. When viewing the presentation in class, I saw a lot of saturated colors in your examples so I imagine that they have intention behind their illustration techniques.

  2. Lola Lopez

    I think your explanation of the aesthetics and the use of skins was really good. I appreciate your examples of the basic designs vs skins users can buy, and how by their use of marketing it incentivizes individuals to spend money on skins even if the actual game is free. A suggestion could be adding more examples of the topics you spoke about like maybe more examples of cinematics, music videos, etc.

  3. Jennell T

    This topic is very interesting and relevant to today’s gamers. During your presentation you mentioned the cyclic nature of consumer spending on video games which was proceeded by a video example of the type of material that compels people to spend. I think that you should expand on that topic and add a few more examples to further strengthen your examination into game aesthetics.

  4. SarahJane Hayward

    Really interesting topic and approach to it. I liked how you went into the business side of the gaming industry and I felt like there was potential to go even deeper there into the consumer’s mindset and how a business model can function off of virtual products. I think a few of the slides could be a little less text heavy, or at least pull your text out into bullets and add some more visual examples along with them. Overall it was very well done!

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