Prof. Jenna Spevack | COMD3504_D061 | FALL 2023 | Thurs 2:30pm

Discussion: Introductions

Add a comment to this post introducing yourself to the class.

You could include your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, gaming, and doing in your spare time, who or what has influenced your creative work, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish).

Include a link to a drawing, photo, or video of yourself and/or your creative work.

Before the next class, read the comments and get to know your classmates! 

Reply to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you have something in common? Did you learn something?

NOTE: If you don’t see your comment appear right away, don’t worry. To avoid spam, your first comment on the site will need to be approved. After that, remember to log in to the OpenLab first, and your comments will appear right away.


  1. Jonathan Rodriguez

    Hello my name is Jonathan. I want to focus on web design while also having interests in UI Design and Photography. I chose COMD as a major mostly because I learned digital media from highschool for three years. I enjoy listening to music, playing video games, and recently reading books.

    • Jenna Spevack

      Thanks for being the first to comment, Jonathan! Looking forward to meeting you and learning more about your creative work. Do you have a favorite video game?

    • Ziqi Lin

      Hi Jonathan, that is a very good photo. I also enjoy playing video games, which games do you play?

    • Lizbeth Bolanos

      Hi Jonathan, I recently discovered that I really enjoy web design as well. Although I had taken AP computer science and a ScriptEd course in high school, I only truly started enjoying it while at City Tech. It also helped me develop an interest for UI/UX design which I hope to take next semester.

  2. Jenna Spevack

    Hello all.

    I’m your professor for Communication Design Theory. You can call me Jenna (or Professor Jenna or just Professor, if you prefer). I’ve been a full-time faculty member in the COMD Department since 2002 and an OpenLab Co-Director since 2011. I’ve enjoyed teaching courses in web design, interactive media, animation, design foundations, and design theory. I also lead the COMD Futures Collaboratory. If you’re interested in AR/VR research and would like to join our team, please let me know!

    Before coming to City Tech, I worked as a web designer and an animator/illustrator with Sesame Street’s Interactive Media Group. I’ve worked with Elmo, Big Bird and Cookie Monster. And I’m looking forward to working with you this semester!

  3. Ziqi Lin

    My name is Ziqi, my creative focus is graphic design and video editing. I enjoy editing montages for video games and I used to make overlays and panels for streaming. I like being on my computer a lot since I play video games on my free time.

    • Jennell T

      Nice to meet you! You mentioned you do video editing and I am actually taking Intro to Video this semester I’m excited to see how that goes.


      Hey, I got into video editing by making gaming montages as well. Cool to see someone who has the same hobbies.

  4. Jennell T

    Hey everyone!

    My name is Jennell Thomas, this is my second year, fourth semester as a Communication Design major! I have a background in Visual Merchandising and this sparked my interest in graphic design. I want to be able to use the skills that I learned in the field and in school to embark on a multidisciplinary creative career.

    Some things that keep me motivated on my journey are music, Drake is my all time favorite artist; food, I’ve been a vegetarian for about 8 years; and sleep, I need my 8 hours!

    Here’s a look at some work I’ve done in the past:

    • Nicolas

      Hi Jennell,

      Your work here looks really good. I also come from a Visual Merchandising background as well. Looking forward to seeing more work from you and hearing your experiences.

  5. Alejandra Marquez

    Helloooooo, I’m Alejandra 🙂

    In my spare time, I like listening to music (k-pop being one of the music genres), going to concerts (if I have the money and/or my favorite artist(s) are going on tour. I really do enjoy photography, it’s one of my favorite hobbies, and hopefully something I can purse in the future. I also enjoy cozy gaming on my Nintendo switch, and so far, I’ve been addicted to playing Spiritfarer. I’m also a bit of a collector and three of my collections are: Sonny Angels/Smiski, k-pop albums, and books. By books, it’s mostly poetry and manga, I’m open to book suggestions!

    Here’s a YouTube video I made for the class: Rich Media, and it’s a video I enjoyed making and editing.

    • Morgan Jeong

      Hi Alejandra, nice to meet you!

      Do you like watching k-dramas too? And if so, do you have an all time favorite or something that you are watching currently?

    • Tsz Yin Tung (Alice)

      Hi Alejandra! I like K-pop as well haha and my favorite song by TXT is Our Summer! I went to their concert back in May and I got so emotional when listening to this song lol. Nice to meet you and I hope you have a great semester!


    Hello Class, My name is Tyrese Oneil and I’m a Comd student in my 4th year specializing in Video Editing, Motion Design, and soon graphic design. I also do a bit of traditional and digital illustration which I’m improving at. I chose Comd as my major because it is best aligned with the kind of work I want to do in the future which is heavily design-based. Some things I like to do in my spare time are gaming and watching movies. My favorite series of all time would have to be Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, and Naruto.

    • Jonathan Rodriguez

      Hey Tyrese, I also enjoy graphic design and gaming. I used to have interest in motion design but overtime I lost interest. Maybe later on I might change my mind but for now, I’m focusing on web design. During the summer I was watching Breaking Bad and it was pretty good but I stopped recently. Im definitely going to continue watching whenever I have time.

  7. Nicolas H

    Howdy everyone!

    My name is Nicolas. I am a transplant from Dallas by way of Virginia. I have lived in New York for seven years. My areas of interest for Communication Design include branding/identity design, package design, and typography. I also have passions for photography, live music, and cooking.

    Looking forward to connecting with everyone this semester.

    • Lola

      Hello Nicolas! Branding and package design are also some of my interests in communication design. I think your interests are very art-oriented, that is so cool!

    • Lola

      Hey Nicolas, some of my interests are branding and packaging design as well. I see that your passions are very art-oriented, that is so cool!

  8. Morgan Jeong

    Hey there. I’m Morgan and I’m a junior in Communication Design. I chose this major because I’ve always had a creative spirit in me. Since I was a kid, I’ve loved engaging in activities like painting, crafting, and performing music or dance. Being an empath, I’ve always had a longing for deep human connection and have always been fascinated by it. I hope to nurture this through creativity and art which is why I’ve chosen a creative path.

    I love listening to music on long drives, going to museums, and picnics at the park. I’m an options-kind-of-girl so I love a variety when it comes to anything and hate being asked what my favorite movie, book, or music. It’s because I love too many things at once! This is why I love buffets. But when it comes to music, I can groove to anything besides maybe heavy metal/scream. I have a playlist for my different moods like edm, hiphop, hop, and R&B.

    I hope to meet and get to know everyone!

  9. Lyonel

    Hello everyone, my name is Lyonel, my area of interest is web design and development. I am a full stack web developer, but currently working as a front-end developer. I am sorry I was not able to be present the first class, but I am currently working within a deadline so I look forward to meet you all next class. Here is my portfolio link:

    Lyonel Pierce | Full Stack Developer – Web Designer – Graphic Designer

  10. Lizbeth Bolanos

    Hi! My name is Lizbeth but I also go by Liz. This is my second year at City Tech as a Communications Design major. I chose this major after taking a multimedia programming and intro to graphic design class at BMCC. I realized I also enjoy web design as it was something I heavily explored in high school but struggled to understand the concept then. I am currently reading Paulo Cuelho’s, “The Alchemist” and have recently been listening to a lot of alternative and edm music. Mall Grab has been a favorite during this time. I like going to concerts, drawing and I am attempting to produce music for the first time. I think my life experiences, strong emotions and the world around me influences a lot of my creative work. I look forward to meeting and learning from all of you!

    Attached is an image of a postcard that I enjoyed creating for my raster and vector class:

    • Lizbeth Bolanos

      I was not able to upload the image so instead I’m including an image of a drawing I did for another class.

      • Lyonel

        Hi Lizbeth, nice to meet you?

        Always good to meet people who enjoy web design, perhaps you can show me your portfolio at some point.

  11. Tsz Yin Tung (Alice)

    Hello my name is TszYin and I prefer people call me Alice. This is my third year majoring in communication design. I found it interesting in the process of creating something and I am into graphic design so I chose it as my major. I usually listen to pop songs because it lifts up my mood so I won’t be depressed under a huge workload, and I love going to concerts as well. I watch korean dramas and entertainment shows during my spare time (e.g. Transit Love, Earth Arcade).

    • Abenezer Bereket

      Hi Alice, your poster is dope. It looks like old horror game covers. I also like watching some Korean shows. I haven’t seen many but I liked Move Into Heaven and All of Us Are Dead. Maybe you can recommend some Korean shows to watch.

  12. Lenishemarie Lopez

    Hello my name is Lenishemarie, but I go by Lola, this is my last year and I’m actually a CUNYBA student majoring in Psychology and Graphic Design, CUNYBA is a CUNY program that allows you to create your own major and take classes in any CUNY school but most of my classes I’m taking in City Tech anyways and my Psychology classes I’m taking in Hunter. I’m interested in UX Design and branding. I like to paint and make jewelry. I love music and listen to all kinds but one of my favorite genres is EDM.

  13. SarahJane Hayward

    Hi! My name is SarahJane and I am a third year COMD student. I had a bit of a wandering path getting to this program but I’ve always wanted to do something that utilizes my creativity.

    I love to make music (usually folk inspired similar to Alex G), read, and play an occasional soccer game in my free time. My favorite book I’ve read recently is Just Kids by Patti Smith which I highly recommend.

    Attatched is a project I made for Packaging Design 🙂

  14. Abenezer Bereket

    Hey y’all! I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone this semester. My name is Abenezer, but most people call me Abe. I’m a lower senior, and my academic focus is on Web and UX/UI design. My main reason for pursuing Web and UX/UI design is to secure a high-paying job. My passion lies in storytelling; becoming a director, writer, or showrunner is my true aim in life. As for my hobbies, I enjoy painting, photography, drawing, watching movies and shows, reading, playing video games, working out, listening to podcasts and music, and going to comedy shows, among other things. I’m the kind of person who can enjoy almost anything, I’m always trying and learning new things.

    It’s nice to meet everyone.

    Here is one of my projects.


  15. brian torres

    Hi my name is brian torres, I have an interest in photography n videography. Since i was little i love watching my favorite standup comedian and my favorite YouTubers. Ive always wanted to do something in video or editing for entertainment. On my spare time i go to the gym and Play video games when i have free time. I also work and plan on bartending within the next year.

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