Professor Kate Poirier | OL67 | Fall 2020

OpenLab Assignment: Your favorite applications of differential equations

Due Sunday, August 30, 11:59pm

Your Week 0 checklist asks you to read the first few sections of your text. Section 1.1 outlines a few applications where differential equations are used. Comment on this post below and say which application(s) you are most interested in.

You may choose an application that is discussed in Section 1.1 or you may choose an application of your own. At this point, you do not even need to know whether differential equations actually apply to the particular topic you are interested in; you may comment something like, “I am interested to know if differential equations can be used to study [a topic you like].”

Your comment can be as detailed or as brief as you like.


  1. Oscar Pais

    Considering the day to day impact of Covid-19, Spread of Epidemics would be an interesting topic to study. The recent heat wave however is making me wonder about Newton’s Law of Cooling as well.

  2. tshorma

    I am interested to know if differential equations can be used to study diseases. I have an idea that differential equations has something to do something with differentiating one or more functions with another and using there respected rate of charge to calculate future possible outcomes.

  3. Brian Enriquez

    Honestly, I’m more interested if I can actually pass a differential equations class, this will technically be the fourth time I’m taking this class (withdrawn other times, different school). However, on a lighter note, maybe connecting/understanding fluid behavior with differential equations would be a plus.

  4. Sheyla Criollo

    I am interested to know how differential equations is used towards Computer Engineering. I know this courses was required in order to proceed with courses towards the major but how does it incorporate itself into it? What is it exactly used for?

  5. Dief

    I am interested in knowing how this level of math can be used to help me work better with polar and linear forms of equations. Also, how to better approximate the amount of supplies that can be supplied to a certain area or population based on their demand. Therefore, I believe this chapter may be of good help.

  6. Jennifer Agudelo

    I am interested in further learning how differential equations are used in interacting species: Competition. To understand the probability of two different species to potential of exponentially growing if the other species was not to exist what specific factors are taken into account besides one species not being there
    I have also gained a big interest due to Covid-19 on how the spread of the virus grow in numbers so fast with only one factor of someone being infected

  7. Jian Hui

    I am interested to know if differential equations can be used to study Spread of Epidemics. That topic will be interest in learning because of the Covid-19 that a student have mention.

  8. Jian Hui

    I am interested to know if differential equations can be used to study Spread of Epidemics. That topic will be interest in learning because of the Covid-19 that a student have mention.

  9. F.Gonzalez

    I am interested to know how differential equations is used towards Mechanical Engineering. How can my experience as an engineer be improved if I used these formulas and equations? I hope by learning these techniques, Ill be able to make my skills for valuable in the working community.

  10. Omrit P

    I am really interested in the Newton’s Law of Cooling. I want to see how this be introduced into mechanical engineering in term of metal cooling off or even what application Law of cooling is relevant in.

  11. Ariel Itshaik

    In my opinion, the most interesting application of differentiation is newtons law of cooling as it exists in everything, especially science. Due to this we know it can be used to describe the most basic to the most complex topics. I fond this intriguing because we are able to describe almost everything in our universe using numbers and variables.

  12. Diego Portoviejo

    I am interested know how differential equations is successfully used in the technology world/industry. Is this course knowledge vital in my engineering career?. Many of the modern applications use differential equations, but why is it so important?.

  13. Sierra Morales

    While reading through the chapter, I found myself keen on three topics. Primarily, the subsection addressing glucose absorption by the body. It definitely would allow me to have another perspective other than science but, through calculating numbers. The other two topics are the spread of epidemics and interacting species: competition. Given the circumstances we currently are facing, I believe being able to understand how number fluctuation occurs may be beneficial; learning about competition within interacting species closely relates to the epidemics and so that would be another topic that would be interesting.

  14. aron singh

    I am interested to know if differential equations can be used to study the spread of epidemics due to the fact of Covid19. However, I am curious about the topic of interacting species: competition, to see the impact of the absence of a species in the population and how it would relate to differential equations.

  15. Ryjll Morris

    I am interested in knowing if differential equations can be used in the study of robotics and artificial intelligence.

  16. wadudkhan

    Differential Equations is an incredibly important microcosm of mathematics that is used to describe many natural phenomena. In his book, Infinite Powers, Steven Strogatz explains that anything in the universe that can undergo change can be described with lines of differential equations. I don’t know much about differential equations yet, but I know it greatly builds off of our Calculus knowledge.

  17. tfraser

    I am interested in how differential equations will apply to my hobby; motorcycling. I often ride a lot and often challenge my self to find out how fast I can go through a corner. I would like to see how differential equations can help me find the optimum coefficient of friction as to take the corner as fast as possible without losing grip and falling.

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