Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887)
For the past year I walk past this monument and haven’t had the time to stop. But today I decided once and for all to find out more about this monument. This monument is located in Cadman Plaza by Johnson Street. It is a male standing and next to it is a female and two children. The inscription reads Henry Ward Beecher / 1813-1887 the grateful gift / of multitudes of / all classes creeds / and conditions / at home and abroad / to honor the great / apostle of the / brotherhood of man. I found out that Henry Ward Beecher was a White American abolitionist, speaker, minster and writer. He opposed slavery and had mock auctions to help the slaves. As a minister, he helped spread the word with other churchgoers on freeing the slaves. He then helped raise funds to supply weapons to others who opposed slavery. “The rifles became known as “Beecher’s Bibles” because they were shipped in boxes labeled “Bibles.” I am glad I took the time out to stop and appreciate his accomplishments. A great man who helped create a better society.
Monica Prado