1. Artist Branly Cadet created the bronze sculpture of Adam Clayton Powell Jr. and cast in Brooklyn. (2005 that is located where I took the photograph, on the corner of 125th street and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard in Manhattan.
2. Adam Clayton Powell Jr is being commemorated, he is being highly honored because he was an important 20th century clergyman and U.S. representative who was a major force in establishing civil rights for African Americans. In addition, Adam Clayton Powell Jr. became minister of Abyssinian Baptist Church, and worked as a community activist for Harlem. Powell was elected to the House of Representatives in the mid-1940s. He became a champion civil rights reformer, also making great strides in education and labor. Though, he’d faced controversy for some of his behavior and commentary. The Harlem community continues to remember Adam Clayton Powell also known as the politician and religious leader for his advocacy of the neighborhood; Unfortunately, Powell died in Florida in 1972.
3. My reflections to this commemoration, is that I found it interesting how the statue captures in detail the minister’s Grand Canyon of a smile, signature “pompadour” haircut even one tentacle out of place, and an almost ankle long overcoat which tail-splits allow each corner of the garment to dance unevenly in the wind around him. I think this wonderful monument clearly represents his determination and his strength as well as how he was seen by african american back in the days, was seen as a giant in the Black community of Harlem, not only as the pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist Church, but also as a community activist and as the first African-American to represent New York in the United States House of Representatives.