Monthly Archives: December 2014

Gravesend Veteran Memorial

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This Memorial stands on Avenue U and Village Rd. N. It also known as Lady Moody Triangle because Gravesend was founded by Lady Deborah Moody 1643. Lady Moody was a wealth, Protestant widow, who came from England to American in 1639 and settled in Brooklyn. She got the name Gravesend from her hometown in England. Lady Mood was the first of women to get “a land patent, to write the first own charter in English in New Netherland, and to establish one of the first towns with a square block plan in the New World.” The policy of Gravesend was of free religion which set apart from other colonial settlements. This memorial commemorates and is dedicated to all who have served in the Army, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard during the WWII and engraved on one side of the memorial is “IN HONOR OF THOSE WHO SERVED IN THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO PRESERVE LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.” On the other side is brief history of Gravesend the community that was founded by Lady Moody. I think it is a beautiful monument because of its simplicity and also because it is to the point.

Samira Yakubova

Gianni Versace


This picture was taken years ago on the steps where Gianni Versace was murdered. Everyone stops here to take a picture and let everyone know that they visited Versace’s home. In a way it does pay tribute to the man. People flock to this site because he was an exceptional designer. His designs are timeless. Everyone knows where his home is and the story behind his death. All the millions of pictures taken in front of this home and posted as a  tourist ranting and raving about going to this place is keeping his memory alive.

Grafitti Art memorial for Arthur G

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This piece was originally spray painted after Arthur’s death in 2009. This picture was taken in Manhattan Beach Brooklyn where Arthur had resided his entire life. He was very well known amongst our community and close knit friends. I didn’t have the pleasure of befriended because he came off a little mean but from what I told now he was a sweet heart. That just proves don’t judge a book by it’s cover. He passed away in sleep. He was only 22 years old. He was a huge sports fan and the New York Rangers were his favorite team. As fast this memorial was put up for Arthur it was just as quickly painted over by the building’s owner. This is a beautiful memorial. I don’t agree with it being painted over.

Facebook memorial page for Denis Volchkin


This is another Facebook memorial page for yet another young fallen angel. Denis was a friend of mine who was a true friend and kind hearted human being. He was killed by a police officer at the home of his mother. They say that he lunged at them with a knife so they had no choice but to shoot and kill a 28 year old man. He had a heart of gold therefore it is extremely hard for me to comprehend that he is capable of doing such a thing. Everyone goes through hard times but he was dealing with his. He will truly be missed. This page is set up for his friends since he had so many that loved him. I’m grateful that his cousin actually set this up for all of us that knew him.


Facebook memorial webpage for Yelena Bulchenko



I took this screen on my Facebook application on my phone. This is some what of new way to pay tribute to the fall and the dear departed if you will. This is a new way because most if not all of my generation is now on the web rather than out in the world. The young woman who is being remembered was murdered in cold blood by someone who was at some point in time close to her. he was a drug user and unfortunately someone who I attended school with. He wanted to be with her but unfortunately the feelings weren’t mutual. He went on a rampage killed 3 people including his stepfather, Yelena and her mother while injuring others. His is name is Maksim Gelman I’m we all know who is. I believe that this is a great way to pay tribute to people. Not everyone can get out to a memorial.



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These pictures where taken at 111 Center St. New York, NY, on the ground floor of the NY County Civil court. It is to honor court officers who died trying to help 9-11 victims.  All three of the persons commemorated are court officers, but they are on the list of the “First Responders.” When their remains were found in 2002, they were only identifiable by their badge numbers and service weapons. This is a grim reminder that 9-11 hurt more than just the people inside the Twin Towers, and a reminder that there are many heroes in New York.

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This picture was take on the corner of 109th St. and 1st Ave. This is a simple statement that was spray painted on a wall of a bodega. It is three simple words but it is undeniably understood to be a quote from Eric Garner who died on July 17, 2014. While he was being choked by a police officer using a choke-hold, Eric was heard repeatedly saying “I cant breath.” This was an unfortunate and controversial event that shook many New Yorkers.



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This was a small shrine for my Grandmother-in-Law Florencia F. Padua. At the time this picture was taken, the shrine was still small, however it eventually became much bigger. It was in the house of the eldest daughter, where family and friends gathered to mourn her passing. She was born in the Philippines, where she was an elementary school principal for many years. She immigrated to the U.S in the 80’s to be close to her children and grandchildren who were all in the U.S.  She was known for her love of her family and her love of educating children. She is dearly missed.





This picture is part of the program for my grandmother’s funeral. She was born in Mexico, where she worked two jobs to support her family. After making sure that they all finished school, she retired to a life of simplicity. After her grandchildren (my brother and I) were born, she immigrated to the U.S to help my mother rake care of us. She was very religious and any question you asked her would always be answered with a thirty minute sermon on a bible story that provided the answer. Even if it was as simple as how to tie your shoe laces, the bible held the answer. She had an undeniable love for her family, especially her grandchildren, and always stated that she would not die until she was sure that her grandchildren would be successful in their lives. Her passing left an insurmountable gap in many lives and is dearly missed.

Memorial in Russia

This picture was taken on Route 189 in Belgorodskaya oblast, Russia.

“Widow and the mothers of solders” is written on this memorial. It is a monument to all the mothers and widows during World War II. In Russia almost every family had someone they lost during the war, this is just a humble statue in the middle of nowhere to remember all the mothers and wives during W.W.II.


There are plenty of written works in honor of groups of people, such as mother and siblings of war, but statues seem less common. The statue isn’t that noticeable, nor is it in a populated area, it’s just a simple memorial along the highway. Perhaps this is to show that a window and mother wasn’t that noticeable during the war ether.


Balto In New York’s Central park and a small town in Alaska ( Nome ) is a monument to the dog Balto who saved hundreds of lives during a diphtheria epidemic that broke out at the beginning of the last century. Balto was mainly a sled dog traveling as far 760 miles to deliver medicine deliver medicine.


It’s not always an animal is remembered and honored, in this case Balto saved countless lives, and was a valuable asset to his community.

This picture was taken in Central Park, a bit North of the zoo, around 67st.

sister juliet

Sr. Juliet spent ten years serving in the Secretariat of the Catholic Diocese as the Bishop’s personal typist, payroll clerk, and the Bishop’s chapel sacristan. Working in such an environment gave her the courage and strength in her religious vocation. Sister juliet helped inspired my friend karen to teach a religious class on sundays and was a role model to many young girls at the church. For the short time i been working at the diocese of brooklyn i have herd so many nice things about her, although i have never met her i know she was a beautiful person. Working for the director of external affairs it was a honor being able to help book sister Juliet’s flight back home to nigeria to be with her family for her final days. The prayer card at my desk is in memory of her. photo-1

Our Places: How We Commemorate in Yonkers, NY

(5) Statue of Jazz Singer Ella Fitzgerald, located in the courtyard of the Yonkers Metro North Station

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Ella Jane Fitzgerald was born in Newport News, VA.  But, following her parents separation, her mother moved her to Yonkers, NY, which she later claimed as her hometown.  Fitzgerald became one of the most famous American jazz vocalists in the world.  She had a 3-octave vocal range, and was dubbed “The First Lady of Song” as the result of her popularity.  Fitzgerald sang ballads, jazz and could imitate any orchestra instrument.  Her career lasted over 50-years, affording her the opportunity to work with legendary singers and musicians such as orchestra leader/singers, Duke Ellington and Count Basie, singers Nat King Cole & Frank Sinatra, and musicians Dizzy Gillespie & Benny Goodman.
I think that that statue is a very nice interpretation of Ella Fitzgerald.  It has been placed in a great section of downtown Yonkers – the courtyard of the Yonkers Metro North station.  Commuters and pedestrians can sit in her presence during favorable weather, and during the summer months people can walk around the corner to hear some of the jazz favorites made popular by Fitzgerald during the summer outdoor concert series held at the pier overlooking the Hudson River.

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