This Week in the OpenLab! March 18th Edition

6157134404_4680b3edf3(image by Jonny Goldstein via creative commons license)

After a bit of a delay, our student blogging team is back in action!  That led us to think that it is high time we highlight some student blogs from around the OpenLab.


Shawn Bremmell

Shawn is one of our OpenLab Student Community Team bloggers.  His newest post is called “Tuition Fees Are No More.”  Here’s an excerpt:

“Ever wish that you could attend college for free? Prepare to jump for joy, because you might be getting your wish! Well, that is if a proposed legislation, called Tuition Free-NY, is passed. The potential legislation, would offer students free tuition at New York’s public colleges. Sound appealing so far? Don’t get too excited just yet, for there is a catch. In exchange for free tuition, you must volunteer for 250 hours of community service, during your college years. And if that isn’t hard enough, you are not allowed to relocate outside of New York once you graduate, for at least 5 years.

“With Tuition Free-NY, college grads would get a chance to start out with lower student debt, which is at a all time high this year. Assemblyman James Skoufis, whose sponsoring the legislation, hopes that this will keep students in the state, and not have NYC lose it’s intellect and income..”

You can read more of Shawn’s post here!


Jenny Wang

Jenny is a student in Jennifer Sears’ Advanced Career Writing Class.  She recently wrote a blog post about her class trip to the AGIA gallery:

“The trip to the AIGA gallery was amazing. It was very inspiring to see so many beautiful creations. Each design had its own meaning and history by the designers which captured many attentions. Three designers and designs that were very inspiring to me while I was exploring the AIGA gallery were Milton Glaser, Mirko Llic and Christopher Brand.

“Milton Glaser’s design of the Crackpot Party and the Republican logo were very artistic. The democrats are represented by a tea pot yet, has a crack within it. The quote “we don’t hold water” states that the democrats will not take orders from other systems. The republican’s logo was very imaginative because of the shape of the design, it consist of the word “NO” which forms itself into the structure of an elephant. Both works contains the colors of the American flag and three stars representing America and its pride.”

You can read more of Jenny’s blog post here!


Maura Smale

We know we said we would feature student blogging, but we thought we’d also point you to our own Maura Smale’s blog, which you can find at the ACRLog.  Here’s an excerpt:

“It seems like every year one of my New Year’s resolutions is to read more. Read more? But I’m a librarian, I read all the time, right?

“Over the 7 years that I’ve been a librarian I’ve heard that misconception all too often upon meeting new people. “Oh, you’re a librarian? You must read all the time/love to read/spend your days reading!” Of course the context of that statement ultimately determines my response (and I am always polite, even when slightly exasperated), but in truth the answers are no, yes, no. Of course I love to read, as I always have, even before I was a librarian. But the amount of long-form, focused reading that I typically do during my workday is very, very small. Not that other forms of reading don’t matter — I can usually keep up with my work-related RSS feed and the newspaper, and like most office workers I read many many MANY emails each day. But sit down in my office with a book? Not often…”

You can read more of Maura’s writing here!

That’s it for this week!  As always, you can contact us anytime with any questions.

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