This Summer on the OpenLab


Welcome back to campus! We hope that you had a fun and restful summer. While you were on break, the OpenLab Team was hard at work making improvements to the site. Here is a brief overview of some of the new additions to the OpenLab:

  • We implemented a range of improvements to the site’s accessibility — from colors to links, labels to slider images. We want to make sure that the OpenLab is easy to use for all members.
  • We added a new plug-in, Aggregator, which allows users to annotate and tag texts right on an OpenLab site. This is especially helpful for coursework.  Read more about the plug-in here.
  • We added Hemingway and Twenty Sixteen to the roster of WordPress themes available to you on the OpenLab.
  • We added “What’s Happening on the OpenLab?”, a new homepage activity feed that allows you to see what’s happening on the site in real time.
  • And, per your request, we added an update so that you can now embed videos from by placing a URL directly into your text editor.

Have questions about any of these updates? Got a request for another? Let us know at We’re excited to hear from you!

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