KB Gradebook

The KB Gradebook is our new grader option for the OpenLab.  It allows a professor to upload a spreadsheet that the student can then access directly, via a secure password.  That means, say, you can as professor put in all your mid-term grades in one place (the place you already keep them, probably), upload it to the class site, and save yourself the trouble of distribution, etc.  It’s extremely easy to use once set up, and so as always, if you need help with set up, contact us.

The best tutorial I’ve found on the KB Gradebook is the video you find at the bottom of this post, by Kyle Jones, alias “The Corkboard.”  Because the KB Gradebook is already installed on our system, you can skip past the first minute of the video.  There are a couple of key points, though, that I want to emphasize because they can cause a bit of trouble.  The only thing that I’ve found a bit confusing about KB Gradebook is that it sometimes will produce an error message that doesn’t give much or gives improper information.  So if you’re getting ‘Your spreadsheet has too few columns,’ or something like this, look for these issues.  But I would watch the video first, then look for these problems.

  1. The single most important thing about the Gradebook is setting up the spreadsheet properly.  He emphasizes this in the video, but the key elements are the email addresses and the headings, which is what the plug-in uses to recognize the proper fields.
  2. The second most important thing to note, though it will affect fewer people, is that it seems that Excel for Mac will not save the spreadsheet properly in the CSV format.  If you have a mac, you should use Numbers (the mac alternative to Excel).
  3. Lastly, there can be issues with apostrophes, so leave them out of any column on the spreadsheet.  Joe Ugoretz wrote about this on his own blog, if you’re interested in these issues.  If not, just remember to leave out all apostrophes, and you should be fine.

And here’s the video (this will take you to Vimeo):


This Week in OpenLab! January 30th Edition

Welcome to the first installment of This Week In OpenLab!  Here you’ll find updates on what’s new around our community, as well as ways to make the most of your OpenLab experience.

New Year, New Members, New Courses!

As the term begins, our OpenLab community is growing at a tremendous pace. We’ve gained more than 50 new members this week alone!  If you’re keeping score at home, this means we now have 1,050 members and more than 210 courses, clubs and projects.

Second Year Fellows Seminar Begins

We’d especially like to welcome the Living Lab Second Year Fellows, a group of City Tech faculty who will spend the semester working in The General Education Seminar, part of the College’s Title V grant-funded initiative A Living Laboratory.

This seminar will concentrate on the second year of the student experience at our college, a critical year for students that focuses on collaborative assignments and projects, and associate degree capstones.

Last Friday, the Fellows had their first meeting, where they shared ideas, discussed teaching and reading, and had a (very wet) scavenger hunt. Though their project is for Second Year Fellow use only, you can follow their adventures here!

Associate Fellows

We would also like to welcome the more than thirty full-time and part-time faculty members who are joining the Living Lab as First Year Associate Fellows. The Associate Fellows will be participating in a series of workshops led by our wonderful First Year Fellows, who have spent the last year working on the first year student experience. You can follow their progress here.

The New Term:  A Great Time to Update Your Club!

If you’re a club or project administrator, remember that the beginning of the term means a host of new OpenLab users and thus potential new members.   We’ll have a more in-depth post on community-building soon, but in the meantime, please try these simple ways to get and keep members of any project:

  • create new comments and posts on your site and discussion forum–nothing indicates activity like new content! Aim to post at least once a week, as we’re doing here at This Week in OpenLab.
  • make sure that your club or project profile page shows the name of and a way to contact the administrator of your club or project.
  • contact OpenLab members to invite them to join. You can do that on the club or project profile page, and then ‘send invites’ using the right hand navigation.

The Open Road

Check out the first of our tutorials here.  This one is on the KB Gradebook, which is a great plug-in which allows faculty to create a spreadsheet for students to privately access their grades.  If you have questions about anything you see on this page, or would like to suggest an upcoming tutorial, please contact us here.

And as always, please join The Open Road to get “This Week in OpenLab” updates via email!



Welcome to OpenLab v.1.0!

We’re tremendously excited to welcome you to version 1.0 of the City Tech OpenLab, our unique online virtual campus.  Here, our community members learn and work together, sharing ideas and resources. Welcome back if you’re already a member. And, if you’ve never been here before, we hope you’ll join our adventure.

New members will find this version of the OpenLab responsive and easy to use, and more familiar hands will notice the changes we’ve brought to this update, which include both improvement of previously existing elements and a host of new features. In this post we’ll take you through the most critical changes and new elements.

And here (drumroll please!) are some key features for this version:

Redesigned, Easy-To-Use Homepage

The center of our OpenLab universe, the homepage is the gateway to our community, and it also offers a glance across all of OpenLab. From here you can see what’s really going on. Some of its new features include:

  • a redesigned slider-menu: check it for news and updates.  Let us know if there are events or activities you’d like to see us highlight there.
  • a new “In The Spotlight” area, highlighting one course, project or club on a rotating basis. And here too, if you have something you’d like to share, email us at OpenLab[at]citytech.cuny.edu.
  • a ‘new OpenLab members’ rotating slider.
  • redesigned at-a-glance course, club and project activity sections: see all the very latest activity across the OpenLab, as it’s happening.

Site Organization and Navigation

We’ve streamlined the navigation throughout the site, and added new filtering, sorting, and searching features to help you find things more easily. The “My OpenLab” section now provides easy access to all the tools you need to manage your profile, courses, projects, and clubs, and communicate with your friends on the site.

Also note, if you’ve used the OpenLab before you’ll notice that a previously existing section (called ‘Sites’) has been folded into other areas for simplicity. If you’ve already created a site, however, don’t worry — it’s still there! You’ll find it under “My OpenLab”.


The CityTech ePortfolios system is now hosted on the OpenLab! It is now easy to find in the top navigation menu of the OpenLab home page, and the site features a new template designed specifically for CityTech ePortfolio users. Find out more here.



New Functionality

The OpenLab is chock-full of new functions and tools.

For example, each course, club and project now has a ‘Files’ function which will allow for the easy upload and distribution of all sorts of files: images, readings, spreadsheets, powerpoints, and more! This is in addition to the ‘Docs’ function which allow class and group members to create and collaborate on documents right on the OpenLab.

We’ve also implemented a whole suite of plug-ins. Some of these are primarily aimed at improving teaching and learning, but almost all of them will benefit clubs and projects too. We’re especially excited about the ways in which professors and students (and all members of other clubs and projects) will be able to interact. To highlight a few:

  • A gradebook which allows easy excel sheet posting for teachers and lets students to access their own grades electronically and securely.
  • A calendar to organize any course, club or project.
  • Rotating galleries which will show an overall sense of the course, club or project.
  • A way to feature specific post/page/member from your course, club or project.

For more information and tutorials on how to use these tools, visit our ever growing “useful tools” page here on The Open Road!


One of the largest additions to this version of the site (thanks to Renee McGarry!) is an expansive help section, covering topics from “getting started” to specific questions about changing aspects of your accounts, course sites, and almost everything else. You can find that here. And as always, you can contact us with questions any time.

BuddyPress and WordPress Updates

Major work also went on behind the scenes to upgrade our core software, WordPress and BuddyPress, to the latest versions. This is important for security and to allow us to take advantage of all the features the software offers.

If you’ve been here before, you’ll notice in particular the updates to our WordPress system: a ‘new’ button in the top navigation for easy posting and commenting from the dashboard, a one-button media upload, drag and drop upload options, and more!

The Open Road

Last but not least, don’t forget this site! Here on The Open Road we’ll be celebrating and demonstrating interesting and unique work, and suggesting features and strategies for using the OpenLab that will benefit all our users. Join this project now to be a member, and receive weekly email updates!