In the Spotlight: Accessibility on the OpenLab

Just Three Colours
Just Three Colors” by Rosmarie Voegtli via Flickr CC BY 2.0 Deed

The OpenLab has some useful resources to help you consider accessibility when you create or add content to a site. Learn more about accessibility on the OpenLab, and take advantage of the new Editoria11y plugin, a “spellcheck for accessibility” created by the web team at Princeton.

Editoria11y (pronounced “editorially”) checks your site and displays any existing issues with a thorough description of what they are and how you can address them. 

Once activated, the plugin will automatically perform accessibility checks. The results will appear for all admins, editors, and authors of the site. Professors and students alike will be able to see any accessibility issues in the posts they author on a site.

Editoria11y does not make changes on your site, but it provides instructions for how to make changes to anything that is flagged as an accessibility issue and provides useful context to understand why the changes are necessary.

To get started, activate Editoria11y Accessibility Checker in Dashboard > Plugins. For more information, read the Help materials on how to add plugins to your site.

We’ve found Editoria11y extremely useful and hope you do too!

If you’re curious about the a11y part of the name Editoria11y, check out this A11Y Project blog post about the numeronym a11y as a helpful resource to understand that a11y=accessibility.

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