This Week in the OpenLab: Spring Break Edition

(image by sheshakes via creative commons license)

We’ll save you the picture of James Franco that you probably expected here, and stick to business.  As we head off into spring break, we want to leave you with a few thoughts…



Last week the OpenLab passed 6000 members!  We keep growing and growing, and couldn’t be prouder.  A big thank you to all of our newest members!  Next stop, 10,000!



If you haven’t seen Fuse Lab, you need to check it out now!   “Fuse Lab: Collaborative Education for Tomorrow’s Technology in Architecture, Engineering & Construction” is a collaborative curriculum project funded by the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technology Education grant program.  In addition, the site is the hub for several OpenLab teaching sites, like this one, and as such is a great model for how to link and coordinate different parts of a project.  Add to that, it’s just a very very very nice looking site, one we’re happy to have as part of the Openlab.



Our own Andy McKinney, who moonlights as a CUNY digital fellow, or perhaps moonlights for the OpenLab, or perhaps moonlights as a graduate student, depending on your perspective, wrote this wonderful digest/guide to the knotty and chaotic world of FERPA guides.  As he writes:

“The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1973, or FERPA, was designed to give students the right to access their own educational records, lodge a request to have those records amended, and also allow for students and parents to be able to control who has access to those records.  This is an important law that gives students more power in regards to their academic records. However, there is a great deal of fear and confusion that surrounds the law with a rather large case law history only further deepening that problem.  In addition, the passing of the act in 1973 leaves it open to a wide variety of interpretations in a contemporary milieu of higher education where the privacy of students using various online platforms to both access and contribute content is particularly important.”

You can find the whole, very useful post here.  Thanks Andy!



April approaches.  We have two upcoming workshops:

FACULTY:  4/18: 2:30-4:30 (G604) – Tools, Tips and Tricks for the OpenLab (Experience Required!)

STUDENTS:  4/18: 1:00-2:15 (G604) – OpenLab and Eportfolios: learn about both in one workshop!

Please RSVP here, and contact us with any questions.  And have a wonderful break!


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