Author Archives: Wilson

Journal 5

On September 25, I emailed my available days to Mey. I have figured that Mondays and Fridays are good days for me because it doesn’t collide with my other activities. So I am hoping I will be working those days at WSM. Quite a few days had passed since I emailed Mey, and I haven’t had a reply yet. I was a bit worried because the next day I had my internship class.

During the class, I become aware that most of my classmates have already found an internship. Half of them talked about their experience at their internship. I felt pleased to hear their anecdotes, however the more I hear them, the more concerned I became. I wasn’t sure what to respond if I was asked about my internship. At the end of the class I was overwhelm with many thoughts. I found myself asking many questions. Do I still have time to complete my hours? If I did have time how much time will it take to go for a different internship? Is it better to drop this class and take it the next semester? Should I wait for Mey’s reply? On my way home, I begin to discard negative thoughts. Instead, a powerful thought grew inside me. It was too late to quit now, if I was to quit, I should have done a long time ago. I have continued; I don’t have to be great to start, but I have to start to be great.

Journal 4

Thursday September 24 was the day of my interview. I woke up early to go over some articles that have good tips when presenting my work to someone. My interview was planned to be at 6pm, however Mey contact me to change the time to 5pm. Although I didn’t have any inconvenience changing my interview time, I was somewhat worry if I could make it on time, since I had a meeting with my senior project professor at 3:30 pm. Therefore I decided that if I arrive early at my first meeting I wouldn’t have any problem with time, and that’s exactly what I did. I arrived 10 minutes early to my 3:30 meeting. I didn’t wait much since my professor was available at the moment. He went over my progress on my senior project and also my print portfolio that I was holding. He told that my portfolio was clean and presentable. He concluded the meeting by saying to continue advancing with my project and he wishes me good luck at my interview.

At the end of my meeting I notice that professor Mason was at his office, thus I decided to tell to him. It was a great decision that I made. Professor Mason gave me good ideas in how to improve my portfolio; he corrected me in some spelling errors and the layout of my portfolio. He also stated that I had a clean portfolio. After hearing this I felt less nervous and more confident.

With no delays, I arrived at my interview on time, and soon I was introduction myself to Mey. She looked at my portfolio and told me “this is what we are looking for.” She later adds, that the job was more about creating layout and typography work. Later she asked me what days I am available. I couldn’t answer at the time but I suggested that I would email her those days I am available, and she agreed with me. I conclude the meeting by saying thank you for your time. I got to say it was somewhat easy, but I don’t regret reading those articles or talking with my professors. It was a good idea in preparing for this interview.

Journal 3

I couple of days passed, and I received an email from Christian. He briefly said hi, and asked me to send him my resume and my work sample. Without no delayed, I replied him with my documents attached in an email. The next day he was able to connect me with a company called Walter Schupfer Management. I was very excited to hear from them. Christian has told me to send my work, and my interest to Brittany who works at WSM. After I emailed her my resume and portfolio, she looped me with Mey Bulucek who runs the art department. Soon I was setting up an interview with her inn the next few days.

During this time I started to do some research about how to prepare me for an interview. I read couple of articles that provide with great tips for design interview success. In one of their tips they says to present your work with a great passion. In other words, we shouldn’t be modest when showing our work, if we have spent weeks on a project, we must present it in a confident and a positive way. Since this is my first interview, reading this article has help me get an idea how to prepare myself before meeting with Mey.

Journal 2

During my second week I took some time to fix my resume and set up my sample portfolio for a specific job description I was aiming for. I wanted to intern in a place that does editorial work. Therefore, in my digital portfolio I included couple of my magazine covers and layouts that I have done in the past. Once I finish this step, I showed it to some of my designer friends for feedback. I was able to obtain great information in how to improve my presentation; also they told me some good tips when sending my work through email.

I felt motivated and confident about my work; however, I have never applied for an intern job before. I felt somewhat lost when I was scanning the list of internship, professor Mason have provided me. A few days passed without looking at this sheet again, yet I knew that I have to act fast and take advantage for this opportunity.

One day at work, I meet an interesting guy whose mane was Christian and established an exiting conversation with him. As we were exchange Ideas he asked me what do I do. I confidently told him about my passion of becoming a graphic designer, and my aspiration I getting a job as an intern. We share common interest as he turns out to be an owner of a leather company where they design handmade bags. At the end of our conversation he asked for an email, because he knew some people who might be looking for interns. I gratefully hand him my business card, and said to him it was nice meeting you.