Author Archives: Travis Montalvo

Travis Montalvo Blog#4

Fourth Entry: September 26th.

The past week has been close to a nightmare, with one employee resigning and another faced with a family emergency a lot of the coverage had to be negotiated between my staff and I. I have to find the time to do interviews to staff appropriately for new device launches and the Holiday season to come. The experience is very reminiscent of the “How to Get A Job” article by Thomas L. Friedman.

In the article it states that the resume, degree, and HOW they achieved their knowledge is not important, as many employers DO NOT care about your degree anymore if you can’t bring something new to the table. As a manager, who has to review applications on a day to day basis, I completely understand this. In present day culture, most knowledge can be self-taught via the internet. It’s the references and experience to the job weighs heavier that just their degree.

Employers receive hundreds of resumes and can’t always find the time to interview all of their applicants. A majority of the applicants are handpicked for a phone interview based on their resume. A select few are chosen according to their degree and experience listed on the resume. Even though the degree is not very important, the employer will base their decision on whether they have a degree and skills to get a chance of interview. Employers want to employ a person who has experience in their field. Training an employee on a new procedure can be revenue impacting because its time consuming.

A new iPhone was launched yesterday and of course the demand for the latest and greatest is no different this time around. The 6S brings to the table better Aluminum to prevent the bend-gate issue of its predecessor, along with 3D Touch, Live Photo’s, and 4K Video. I personally enjoy the haptic feedback from a force touch on the mail or phone icon, as the submenus provide a new peek-and-pop to quick commands. Well done Apple.

Moving a long…

Due to the newly achieved and unforeseen work load, I missed my meeting with the Astoria Media group, which I would’ve had me Interviewing with one of the supervisors to create flyers for nearby business. That opportunity is still on the fence, but I may have found another option for interning within my Sprint, for the department that handles Marketing for NYC. The gentleman’s name I got in contact with is named Ryan Cobb, and he handles much of the social media ads and publications for Sprint. He’s need of a designer, so this may be the best option.

I’m starting to believe that only I can only view my Blog entries and not that of other classmates, which is a shame… I’m curious to know how everyone is fairing in their search. From our last class meeting, the Web Majors had difficulty finding their internships, which came as a relief to me since I’m still on the hunt as well. My fingers are crossed, on Ryan’s callback; in due time.

Travis Montalvo Blog#3

Third Entry: September 17th.

After our meeting in class, I’ve noticed I often tend to mix in the Anglo-Saxon phrases in to my speech, as Professor Mason referred to in class. Four to six letter words shortened from its Latin origin, has been my primary dialect. I believe the more I read, the better my writing will become.

In reading the article “When G.M. was Google” by Nicholas Lemann, it lays claim to how influential Google as a company is. More than a billion people perform Google searches every month, and using Google has become second nature. “I’ll just Google it”. What make that company that much alluring is the fact that it is unconventional in the things they do. Google depends on hiring smart creatives, who like things messy with loose supervision to unsure the creativity will always flow. They experiment constantly and thereby come up with new kinds of software that in turn become great products. Google has become so massive that it buys up smaller companies. Just look at Youtube, Waze, Nest, and Motorola to name a few. General Motors, “back in the day” was the aggressive acquirer of small companies. However, an imposition of order on the company’s Durant-era caused administrative and financial chaos. G.M. had become so big that if every decision was made at headquarters, and nothing would ever get done.  A philosophy that Google, has gone against to help encourage entrepreneurship and innovational growth to expand the company in many directions.

“Google was designed never to have unions or pensions; the expectation was that most employees wouldn’t plan to stay at the company for decades. Abandoning the social mission of the corporation is a management technique that’s seldom openly celebrated in business books, but it has been significant.”

Their intent was build a smarter world by committing to no restrictions. I see how beneficial this is as a designer, especially with how subjective art can be. You can design to feel, or feel to design. Both outcomes are substantially different.

Travis Montalvo Blog#2

Second Entry: September 13th

After reading through the article of “How to Get A Job”, I agree that there are many people who are poor in their writing and grammar skills. Sadly, I believe advancements in technology how somehow made our grammar very dependent on “auto-correct” or short hand typing through texting and quick commination. A rise of acronyms for “be right back” (brb) or
“I’ll see you later” (c u l8tr) have dumbed us up – for lack of a better word. There are foreign students, who write better than those who you should be experts in their native language. As English is my first language, that expectancy would apply to me ten-fold, but admittedly I do feel I write as I speak.

With the ever-evolving English slang and Ebonics in my vocabulary, it has interestingly enough, weakened the intricacy of my writing.  As an Advertising major, writing copy has to be used in such a fashion to simplify the message. The creative brief starts as an elaborate understanding of the client, written as something suited best for research papers or essays, to just be made into a phrase consisting of five letters. Writing is a double-edge sword dependent on the medium.

In regards to my internship search, I’ve had two schedule meetings in hopes to WOW them with my portfolio. The only thing they may affect their decision in selecting me for the position is differences in availability. If luck has me, I’ll be able to work from home.

Travis Montalvo Blog#1

Hello COMD 4900, after finally finding the correct OpenLab Internship site, I’ve decided to transfer ALL of the Blogs I had been working on so valiantly on the last few weeks to this Course Profile, to be accompanied by my fellow Internship Participants and their Blog entries.

Previously I was a part of an identical site for the Fall 2015 Semester under Professor Joel Mason and “tgoetz” ( Wilson, Huseyin, and I had been the only members of this particular profile, but then found it alarming that I had been the only individual providing entries. Luckily my investigation led me to this here, which is better late than never, I presume.

First Entry: September 8th

Currently a Senior at The New York City College of Technology, I’ve dedicated the last few years to developing my professional skills, establishing diversity in design, and learning how to approach problems from different angles.  Admittedly, I’m unsure of how exactly how to start this post. My internship search has been a rollercoaster of e-mails and submissions to find a Team that would be willing to accommodate my busy schedule. Currently, I work full-time as an Assistant Manager for a Corporate-Owned Sprint store in Midtown Manhattan. The retail schedule is quite demanding and very unpredictable and after working in it for over 8 years this shouldn’t come as a surprise. If I have taken one important thing out of working retail, it is definitely hospitality and efficiency. Both go hand in-hand when providing the most memorable experience and leading growth in a business.

Patience and persistence has been a trait I have strengthened in this line of work. These traits, will hopefully aid me in landing my Internship if my scheduling doesn’t. “Prioritizing what needs to be done can help kill my procrastination”, as has made evident after taking the survey. I assume procrastination can be affected by your personality as well.  As an extravert, my overlook attention to detail. Using my girlfriend as a comparative tool on the Emotional Intelligence Quiz, I see exactly how I can inherit some of her organization skills. I’m absolutely going to be in need of order to successfully complete interning, work, and my finalizing all my projects needed for graduation.