Author Archives: O'Nysha Thomas

Journal Entry Week 6

This week I began by clarifying a few of last week’s sketches for the manual. I also began to plan out the layout of each step. My supervisors Bernhard and Max were very helpful and open to my ideas and suggestions.

Next, I began to illustrate the icons using Adobe illustrator. I feel that my skillset is weakest in Adobe Illustrator; therefore I only use it for line work. I like the way illustrator allows you to manipulate lines in terms of stroke and weight. Since the icons for each instruction was made to be very simple and abstract sort of like an IKEA manual, I knew I would be relying on illustrator for a bulk of this project.

Keeping in mind and important design lessons I learned last week, “simplicity is key”; I decided to use mainly line weight and variations of strokes to illustrate each graphic. I don’t use my Wacom tablet as much as I should, but for this assignment it came in handy, and helped me crank out a lot of the initial icons this week. The Wacom tablet allowed my hand to be free, and place each point exactly where I wanted, and needed it to be. Max and Bernhard liked my illustration style for the icons so far and gave me a board to track my progress. The board became a networking tool for me due to the fact that KISI is located in a co-shared office space. Some of the other companies in the office began to look at my work, compliment me and even ask questions pertaining to certain images.

Journal Entry Week 5

This week I worked more on the instruction manual. One of the biggest things I’ve learned so far is not to cheat the design process. I tend not to make detailed sketches when designing. I usually do a few chicken scratch like sketches just to get the idea down pact, or I write out what I will need to do. Although I do enjoy drawing, I never use to see the point of going in depth with sketches before turning them in to vector images.

While working on this part of the instruction manual, I realized that sketches help tremendously, especially when working with a client, or company. It helps to clarify the vision of both the client and designer. Sketches are essential because you are creating someone else’s vision. Before graphics are created, it’s best to get out all the small issues because it saves a lot of time.

With that being said, I’ve spent this whole week sketching out 20 icons for the instruction manual. Although some steps will utilize the same images, I still had to sketch them out in detail to ensure that the image fit the purpose of steps it will be utilized for.

Furthermore, My supervisor and his partner were very impressed with the visuals I came up with to coincide with the directions. Another thing I learned was, the simpler the better. When you are working on a project that needs to be universally understood, such as an instruction manual for consumers, it’s super important that the message is very clear.

Journal Entry Week 4

This week I worked more on the instruction manual. One of the biggest things I’ve learned so far is not to cheat the design process. I tend not to make detailed sketches when designing. I usually do a few chicken scratch like sketches just to get the idea down pact, or I write out what I will need to do. Although I do enjoy drawing, I never use to see the point of going in depth with sketches before turning them in to vector images.

While working on this part of the instruction manual, I realized that sketches help tremendously, especially when working with a client, or company. It helps to clarify the vision of both the client and designer. Sketches are essential because you are creating someone else’s vision. Before graphics are created, it’s best to get out all the small issues because it saves a lot of time.

With that being said, I’ve spent this whole week sketching out 20 icons for the instruction manual. Although some steps will utilize the same images, I still had to sketch them out in detail to ensure that the image fit the purpose of steps it will be utilized for.

Furthermore, My supervisor and his partner were very impressed with the visuals I came up with to coincide with the directions. Another thing I learned was, the simpler the better. When you are working on a project that needs to be universally understood, such as an instruction manual for consumers, it’s super important that the message is very clear.

Journal Entry Week 3

I’m off to a fresh start and I feel good about it. I like doing new things and challenging myself.

The first week was good I began by putting together the Kisi office security device in order to see what improvement I could make to the instruction manual. I am in the sketch process of developing a step by step guide including pictures, descriptions, and hints. My supervisor Bernhard was very helpful with helping me develop simple images for the consumer to understand easily. I was intrigued to be learning some IT stuff as well.

In addition to having a great start at my internship, I’m really trying to warm up to other people in the office. I think the time spent at the coffee machine can be utilized for networking with the other startups and design companies. How you network is just as important as your performance  during your internship.

– O’Nysha Thomas

Journal Entry Week 2

I chose to focus on researching Kisi inc., the company in which I will be interning with this semester. I know the value of knowing some information before hand. This prevents that deer in headlights expression when asked questions.

After finishing some stuff up for BTTIP, I felt very excited to this fresh start, and opportunity. I know that the program is very competitive and I am glad to be one of the select few chosen to participate.

Kisi Inc is a start up company there for I hope to make a great impression and capitalize on a possible job opportunity upon completion.

– O’Nysha Thomas

Journal Entry Week 1

This week was all about planning. I’m at a point in like where I barely have spare time. It sometimes weighs on me, but I always manage to push through it. After a tough time registering for classes, I managed to come up with a decent schedule for my internship.  My supervisor was very pleased that I took the initiative to make one prior to starting. I just hope I am able to show all of my skills as well as improve upon them and learn new things.

My main focus prior to beginning this internship is for it not to end up like my internships in the past.
My first internship was an unfortunate situation which I was being used more than helped. There was no balance between roles due to the fact that it was a small company and it was very unorganized. My second internship resulted I’m me being let go due to my scheduling. I just could not see myself dedicating more than 12 hours to an internship that was unpaid and barely had any task for me to do. While short lived, I did enjoy it and wish the results were better.

Maybe the third time is a charm. I hope to gain a lot of skills, network, and gain a valid recommendation.

– O’Nysha Thomas