Author Archives: Omkar.Singh

Journal Entry # 8 Omkar Singh

My hours at the print shop has increased. I was able to switch some hours around at the airport and work there nights so i can work more hours during the day at the print shop. This schedule is starting to hurt. I barely get any sleep and my work is starting to slip. If I want to continue in the advertising field I need to make some hard decisions. I like making drawing and making something out of nothing. At the airport, I don’t get the same feeling as I do from drawing or designing. When I went to work yesterday, I put in my two weeks notice at the airport. I need to start focusing on my school work and my internship. I want a future in communication design and working at the airport isn’t helping me achieve that goal.

Journal Entry # 7 Omkar Singh

Work at the print job is good. As time goes on I’m taking more and more responsibility there. Im still dealing with only printing but i have shown my supervisor that I pick up things fast. Because of my customer service experience at the airport, I’m able to handle the customers very well. Adam is still letting me shadow the designers. My hours at the print shop vary due to my work schedule at the airport. The print shop opens at 9AM to 7PM Monday to Saturday. This conflicts with my work schedule at the airport since the Airport never closes, I’m there at different times of the day.

Journal Entry # 6 Omkar Singh

The weather has finally eased up and my work schedule at the airport is returning to normal. Because of the airport, my regular life has taken a backseat. Now that spring is here the airport can finally take a backseat and I can focus on my school work and my internship. Adam, my supervisor at the print shop, has let me start printing some of the light jobs on my own. The customers that usually enter the print shop are local residents that want papers copied and printed on standard 8.5 x 11 paper. Compared to the airport this job is a piece of cake.

Journal Entry # 5 Omkar Singh

This winter has been a nightmare. From working 60 plus hours at the airport for ASIG to interning at the print shop to personal issues with my family, my life has been a roller coaster. There was another snow storm and I had to stay at the airport for the majority of my week. Things are still moving slow at the print shop because of my crazy hours at the airport. I am thankful that my boss is understanding of this due to the fact that he has family that works there also. He still has me working with the customers but has been training me to use the equipment and start printing on my own.

Journal Entry # 3 Omkar Singh

So working at the airport has it benefits, but it also has its drawbacks. being able to skip security lines and discounts on airfares are some good things but the one and only draw back i have with them is the time restraints.  Snowstorms have been hitting NYC for the last 2 weeks and because of them i have been working 7 days a week. i haven’t been able to find an internship that fits what I’m looking for. I have found one at a local print shop that does promotional pieces for a lot of the companies in the neighborhood. I think that with my demanding schedule at the airport this might be a good fit for now until the weather clears up and i go back to my regular schedule at the airport. The main objective of the print shop is, well, printing but they do a lot of promotional flyers and posters for stores, clubs and restaurants etc.

Because of the snow, i have not been able to start the print shop job yet but i am hoping to start soon.

Journal Entry # 1 Omkar Singh

So today was the first day of class. He knows his stuff. From the list of jobs that he gave us I’ve seen a couple that have caught my eye. The first job though that I want to check out is where my dad works. He works for one of the largest advertising agencies in New York called Young and Rubicam or Y&R. he works in the accounting department but I have asked him to find out if I can be eligible to an internship in the design department. It is a long shot since he does work for another department and doesn’t really know anyone in the design department. During these modern times, most jobs aren’t found though the wanted ads but through people that you know. Networking is a big component of finding jobs and I hope that my father can find a friend of a friend in the design department that needs or would want an intern.

I have completed the quizzes online and found them entertaining. I didn’t realize that I was an average procrastinator. I thought I would have been worse. The procrastination quiz and the big 5 quiz showed me that I have a lot of work to do on myself. I need to make certain tasks and jobs a priority and not take advantage of them. This is also the second week of the job hunt and I have gotten some not so good news. My dad tells me that the intern list as he calls it is so long that I wouldn’t even get considered anytime soon. With this class needing 120 hours work time, I need to find something now and soon.


Journal Entry # 2 Omkar Singh

This is also the second week of the job hunt and I have gotten some not so good news. My dad tells me that the intern list as he calls it is so long that I wouldn’t even get considered anytime soon. With this class needing 120 hours work time, I need to find something now and soon.

God I hate the snow. The snow has come and doesn’t look like it’s going to go away anytime soon. Because of the snow my daytime job has become more time consuming. I work for ASIG, aircraft service international group. What they do is service airplanes at JFK with their ramp services and deicing planes. This has become a priority and because of the position that I am in I cannot leave or I lose my job. I am a safety manager and must be onsite when deicing of an aircraft is being done. Since ASIG is short staffed and the snow is upon us I had to show up to work on Wednesday instead of attending class. This sucks because we are only allowed one absence and I already had to use it. I have made arrangements with my other managers and my duty manager and it wont happen again. Hopefully the weather clears up and I don’t have to spend all my time there. Now that I am working 7 days a week I cant really continue my search for an internship which is hurting my chances of finding one before the mid semester grades are due.