Susan Kikuchi is my friend, she has a day job at an accounting firm, but she wants to change her job to a freelance position related to graphic design. Then, her working hours will be flexible. That is what she wants, she does not want to work office hours from 9 am to 5 pm. Therefore, she is studying to be a graphic designer part-time at a university. She never hesitates to learn something new. She is trying to establish herself in this industry.
She has recently started working as a graphic designer. She works alone and in her home and she shares a house with a friend from school. This is her first time taking on a project. She does not know how to negotiate how much she should charge her clients. Some of her friends told her that she should estimate how much hours will be spend on this project. Then she may know how much she should charge for her client. She is also thinking to change her freelancing part-time to full time and work for clients around the world in the future.
I am writing about her situation because I also want to be a freelance graphic designer. Her dream is the same as mine. Flexible working hour is very good, I can do anything that I want to do at daytime and I can work any time that I want. It is so free. The important thing for me to do now is to work hard on my studies and to graduate.