Journal 13th Entry – Mohamad

This week was the most interesting throughout my whole internship, so this journal is going to be a little long but it’s worth it. I came to work and finalized the three pamphlets that I had from last week. And around 1 pm, the supervisor came to me and told me that the Commissioner Vicky Been is about to speak in front of everybody today, it was because the fiscal year is over and they used to do that every year. So I waited for her until she arrived and started shaking everybody’s hand with a very big smile on her face. I had the privilege to shake her hand and introduce myself to her. Everybody was standing around her in a circle and she started thanking everybody for the huge work they did this winter, because it was a very hard winter with a lot of complaints. And when she finished everybody applauded and thanked her. Here is the best part, while everybody was busy with the food; I was having an inner fight inside my brain as of should I speak to the commissioner or no. The yes part won at the end and I went to her and asked permission to speak to her, she was so positive and said “sure! Ask whatever you want”. So I addressed to her the problem of not having a good graphic design department or at least one good designer in such a big department. She agreed 100% with me and referred me to the communication director and told me to talk to her. So I did, and I was surprised that the director told me “you are right! I just received this position and I want to look into this problem, it is one of my main interest”. Then she asked me for my information, I gave her my business card and she was impressed with the design and told me that she will contact me about a job there! I was so happy that I had the courage to speak to the commissioner because it leads me into a very big opportunity. So all I wanted to say is that luck only comes once every while, so when you get the chance doesn’t ever miss it, it might change your life!

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