Journal 12th Entry – Mohamad

This week was less boring; the supervisor told me that we have a new meeting with the coordinator. So we went at 11 am to meet her. This time she the big screen to show us what should I do. I felt for a moment that I have an important position in HPD, because usually these kinds of meetings point major issues in housing in NYC. So this time the coordinator had three projects for me to work on, but the deadline was a little short; she needed them done by the next week. The three projects were “Heat and Hot Water”, “Code inspection” and “Property Registration” pamphlets; they needed them for a major yearly meeting with the owners in NYC. As soon as the meeting was over, I went straight to my cubicle and started working on those projects. I finished most of the work by 5 pm but I still had a couple of tweaks, so I asked the supervisor if I could keep some for next Thursday. He didn’t mind due to the fact that I only am available one day each week for the internship. It was a very good day unlike the earlier ones, because I had so much work that kept me busy the whole time, so I didn’t feel the time went by fast. I usually like to work with pressure because I can get more creative in tight due days, and I can find solutions better when I’m under pressure.

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