Journal Entry Week 15

After getting the orders in, we realized what needed to be changed and what was good to go into the device’s packaging. Because of the different printing companies, the stickers printed as a lighter cyan than the original box sticker. While the design quality was great the colors need to match. This is one of the main things I will focus on post internship.

Overall I have enjoyed my internship at KISI inc. My supervisor , Bernhard and his partners were super helpful and guided me along the way. I even asked Bernhard for some pointers for my presentation  just to ensure that I would be representing KISI the right way.  I couldn’t have asked for a better result of this. From initially participating in BTTIP to working at KISI, I feel my knowledge and skills  as a designer have grown and are continuing to get better. Continuing as a Part-Time designer, I will produce even better work, and even begin to develop and pitch my own ideas for the company. As stated in previous journal entries, “Simplicity is Key” I feel that that quote has transferred into others areas of my life, and design outside of KISI. Bernhard told me before making my presentation, about a quote by German designer Dieter Rams. “Good design is as little design as possible.” and followed by saying. Its easier to just throw things on a page, but it is harder to make design simple and functional. This is something I know Ill keep with me and remember forever.

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