Journal Entry Week 12

This week I went through a lot of the print and production process as a designer which is getting the images and files ready for output. This is the part I felt most nervous about simply because I wanted the files to be correct since there was money being spent on these materials. This is the step where every designer needs to cross their t’s and dot their i’s.

Although I despise Vistaprint in terms of quality, my supervisor decided to use them to print the manuals and spec sheets.  But for the stickers, we used Sticker Mule, which had a better print quality for that purpose, along with a reasonable price. It’s an awesome feeling to know that something youve created will be used to utilized in real life. This somewhat prepared me for what’s  to come after graduation. Keeping the colors simple with the brand and matching them to the web colors and brand’s primary colors, making sure dimensions are correct, checking spelling, is everything I had to go over, before giving the final files to my supervisor. Although I knew he would triple check, I try and get a lot of the minor mistakes out of the way so I seem professional. That is something I tried to keep constant throughout this internship, my professionalism. Even though my workspace is very relaxed, I know I have something to show and prove. Form my initial meeting with Bernhard, I feel I have came a long way and definitely showed him that I am capable of great things, and certainly can handle any task he has for me.

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