Journal Entry Week 11

Continuing with the back door stickers, I began by researching competetors and what kind of visuals they offered. I found a lot of them to be somewhat boring and dull without  any real graphical presence. The intentions of this sticker is make KISI stand out as an innovative security system that is very user friendly. It was really important to my supervisor Bernhard, that the stickers appeal to the clients. We want them to be used and places on the doors at their respected offices, not just shoved aside with the packing paper.

Keeping I’m mind KISI brand ethics and cool approach, I began to build off a logo I did for a class project. While the concept was quite simple the delivery need to be on point. I try and make my ideas and pitches as precise as possible so I don’t look like a complete idiot in front of my supervisor. The idea that I came up with focused on the physical more than technical idea of opening a door with your phone. I began to illustrate a hand holding a phone with the KISI logo on it.  I kept it very simple and abstract. I also used the phrase that my supervisor initially gave me which was “thanks for buzzing in with us”. He loved it, and I was glad to be able to deliver on a project where option one through ten didn’t quite work. Thats what it takes to be a great designer and a successful intern. When something doesn’t work, work on it until it does.

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