Journal Entry Week 10

This Week I worked on more promotional stickers. As opposed to other promotional stickers, we wanted to make these very user friendly,  and have a little humor behind them.  The purpose of the stickers are to help ease user experience with the KISI system. The stickers this week were laptop and back door stickers. While the task might seem simple the method for each was very different. The purpose of the laptop sticker was to get the K in KISI to light up over the apple logo on a MacBook. As a simple way to promote KISI is by getting existing customers involved who already believe in the product.  While after many, many printouts, I finally got the right positioning and size of the K.

Afterwards, I decided to focus on the Back door sticker. The purpose of this sticker was to help ease users out of the door with a little KISI reminder. Similar to the initial door sticker. My supervisor gave  me a few ideas, and I came up with some as well. After illustrating many different versions  with the help of the noun project, a site for vector icons, we realized that the concept  for most didn’t work.  It often takes many trials and errors to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Sometimes with design something might look great, but if it doesn’t fulfill the intended purpose it isn’t useful. The beauty of design especially graphic design is that saving work that may not be used at the moment can in turn be useful later on.

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