Finally done with signs, they are good to go. I got the news that they will be printed out and displayed on the shop. I can’t wait until I can see them up; I’ve never had anything I ‘ve done displayed to the general public so it is very exciting. I think is really rewarding when you know you have worked hard for something and for it to be shared and shown. I think is a huge deal because it definitely makes you more confident in yourself and in the work you do.

Today I began creating some more ads that basically speak about the sales, like I mentioned last week. The work hasn’t been hectic; they really understand and work with my schedule well. They like to see what I’m working on for other classes and even when there’s not much to do at the shop I can work on some schoolwork while they find a next project for me. The end is nearly a month away and I feel very anxious while at the same time looking forward to creating new things. This semester has been very interesting and this internship has helped me learn things about the way I work outside of school.

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