Journal Entry #5 (Sean Beharry)

Today I went into the office to have a meeting with the board. They were very concerned with the site and how its actually helping the company. Our lack of communication before the meeting delayed anything major getting done. Since I been at the internship I’ve been reporting to two supervisors who have to get okays from their superiors most of the time before I make any major changes to the site. I’ve told them the site has a lot of issues before but they weren’t really passing the message along to their superiors I guess.

Finally I had my first sit down with all the board members to actually discuss my jobs tasks and how I can help them. I told them the same thing I’ve been telling my supervisors, the site is poorly designed. Visiting the site as a web designer I can clearly tell no effort was put into their site to make it unique and distinguish itself. I explained to them some of the careless things their hired web designer has done, and how we could go about improving it. Some content on the website that they have featured they aren’t really sure if they even wanted it up. Basically their web designer didn’t ask them what they wanted but just went ahead and used their old content off their old website.

I also discussed the useless member system they have on the site which conflicts with the WordPress admin system. I told them how it has no features or functions at all, and there is no point of having it up at all.

On the website note, they told me they are going to work on getting a new budget for a new site. So during this time I will be working with them to develop content and mock ups.

The last thing I presented to the board was all three designs of my newsletter covers, they liked all of them but especially the third one. So I told them to provide me with more content that they would liked featured and I will continue to come up with more designs and more pages. I also requested they provide me with all graphics for their company such as vector logos ,product pictures, etc. Anything I can use to develop the website and newsletters. So we agreed at the end of the meeting that I will email them with a list of everything I need to get started.

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