Humberto MV Journal Entry 13

They finally chose a direction to take to the bridge series logo in. Now I can really focus on the fine details now that I know what they want. It is hard when you don’t have direction. Even though you have creative freedom. The design might not please the client or your boss. That’s why I always ask questions to help me narrow which direction you go in and makes it more easier clearer to design and come up with concepts with these constraints. That’s where our problem solving skills are put to the test. The CEO just said I know it when I see it. That is no help at all, but he did like my concept of building and construction or bridging it all together. As for the CD cover I don’t know if they used it or not. They haven’t mentioned nothing yet. The CEO gave me a side project to work on. He is doing a video series called “A Journey” where he and his friend try a go in depth to what it really means to go on “A Journey”. I have to edit and do corrections to the videos. It looks like its going to be about 6 episodes in total. That’s going to be a lot of rendering. I just hope my computer can handle it. Its really old macbook.

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