Journal Entry #2

It’s still weird to me that we meet every two weeks, but that’s great for me because I get more time to look for an internship and get more work done.

Week two of internship. I have yet to land an interview for interning somewhere. As days go by I get more and more nervous. I would hate to be left behind on an important class. It only makes things harder when I have to work full-time on top of senior project, which is already a handful and trying to find time to search for an internship. I’m an Easy Tech Supervisor for Staples so there was a lot of time invested in keeping my team on track and being on top of sales, budget and customer satisfaction with our work.

It seems a bit more promising at this point. One of my friends has informed me of an opportunity of an internship with a startup company. He couldn’t really tell me much, for he did not know the full details. He has told me to give him a day or two to find out a bit more. Now I play the waiting game.

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