Journal Entry Week 9

I am beginning to see design through the eyes of clients and consumers, and not only as a designer. This is an important part, if not the most important part of being a Graphic Designer. I use to have so much pride in my work that I was often taken back by criticism and repetitive revisions. However editing is an essential part of design and makes the design stronger and stronger after each revision.

Fine-tuning is essential and necessary especially when working on projects for others. As a designer you have to have understand that your clients have a vision they want you to bring to life for them. It is not your vision, but you certainly do have a say in what goes into it, and its final outcome. We provide influence on the design, as well as principals that some of our future clients/customers don’t utilize, or are unaware of.

I now realize how important prompting questions are. It helps fine tune concepts and ideas so not much time is wasted going in the wrong direction on a project. Although I made 12 specs for my supervisor to choose from he only chose one to use. From that point I still had some alterations. Although it wasn’t a problem, I know that we could have saved some time and came across a final window sticker a lot sooner.

These past few projects have allowed my supervisor to see what I am capable of, and more importantly how I follow instructions. As the weeks go by I challenge myself to create materials in ways I have never done before. I feel that this internship is great practice for a future freelancer. I’m often asked to do logos and business cards, and tee shirt designs, and I feel that I am ready as a designer to begin to capitalize on that venture and provide some great graphics for my own clients.

One thought on “Journal Entry Week 9

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear O’Nysha,

    I enjoyed reading this entry. You make some very important points about the role of the designer in relation to the client. Learning to “see design through the eyes of clients and consumers” is a very valuable lesson and will help you in the future. One minor correction: the word “principals” should be “principles.” Look for both words in a dictionary to help you understand the difference.


    Professor Mason


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