Journal Entry Week 7

I find typography to be one of my weaker areas as a designer. And being that this project relies heavily on readability, I felt the need to take my time with it. This is the part of the manual I found the most difficult. Due to revisions, I often had to make adjustments to the layout. Trying to fit 20 instructions on a horizontal brochure was a little more difficult than I thought.

As I approach the end of this project, I see that it has forced me to rely heavily on Adobe Illustrator and InDesign. The challenges certainly helped me to discover new functions, and how to utilize certain tools the correct way. This has been a true learning experience. I feel that I am learning more as a designer, than I did at internships I had in the past.

As we approach the final stages of revisions, my supervisor and his partner gave me a few new projects to get started on. One being a mockup for the new website, and the other being a window sticker to be put on clients doors in order to bring awareness to KISI at their respected offices. While I’ve never done a mockup before, I didn’t find it difficult to accomplish, and was able to complete that in a couple days as I steadily worked on revisions for the manual. The mockup showed a simpler, user-friendlier layout to allow KISI’s clients to be able to utilize more of the functions and tools they provide to make access easier. With that being said, the sticker will be one of my top priorities next week.

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