Journal Entry Week 6

This week I began by clarifying a few of last week’s sketches for the manual. I also began to plan out the layout of each step. My supervisors Bernhard and Max were very helpful and open to my ideas and suggestions.

Next, I began to illustrate the icons using Adobe illustrator. I feel that my skillset is weakest in Adobe Illustrator; therefore I only use it for line work. I like the way illustrator allows you to manipulate lines in terms of stroke and weight. Since the icons for each instruction was made to be very simple and abstract sort of like an IKEA manual, I knew I would be relying on illustrator for a bulk of this project.

Keeping in mind and important design lessons I learned last week, “simplicity is key”; I decided to use mainly line weight and variations of strokes to illustrate each graphic. I don’t use my Wacom tablet as much as I should, but for this assignment it came in handy, and helped me crank out a lot of the initial icons this week. The Wacom tablet allowed my hand to be free, and place each point exactly where I wanted, and needed it to be. Max and Bernhard liked my illustration style for the icons so far and gave me a board to track my progress. The board became a networking tool for me due to the fact that KISI is located in a co-shared office space. Some of the other companies in the office began to look at my work, compliment me and even ask questions pertaining to certain images.

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