Entry #7

Last week at the internship I had to keep working on a project I started a few weeks back. My first task in this project was to create a web invite for the Women in STEM Luncheon. I had the chance to just make a few changes to the piece that someone else had created for the same event last year, but I preferred to try something new and came up with a design from scratch. I sent the two designs to the client, and she chose my original creation — that felt really rewarding.

Now, this new project was to take the same visual elements from that web invite, and create a printed program to be given to each participant of the event. I was given only a few hours to finish this, but with the help from Prof. Jordan and the quick feedback from the client, I was able to get everything done in time. The client was really happy with the final results, and so was I.

On Friday, I had to take pictures at another faculty event that took place here at City Tech, on the sixth floor. I enjoy taking pictures at these faculty events because it’s nice to see professors in kind of a student set up. At this event, they were encouraged to share their opinions on ways to improve teaching. It’s always interesting to see some of them acting shy and not wanting to raise their hands when prompted to — that makes them more relatable to me as a student.

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