Journal #12 Josephine Woods

This week April 13th to 17th, was more of have too get work done, finish the finer details.

On Monday April 13th; I was working on the smaller  details, like text and font sizing, images and placement. I added the images from website and placed it in the app. Also I created icons on the tabs so when the users isn’t on the about page they would see an icon instead of words.  It took a long time sizing the images and icons, but end at the end of the day I think everything came out beautiful.

On Tuesday April 14th; I try placing text from a section of the site however it didn’t quite workout in the way I would like it to. I had to try recreate the text and numbers from font in Adobe PhotoShop. I couldn’t find the right font to match so I had to search for a similar font. Oh man talk about tedious, it took me two and a half hours just to find a similar font in PhotoShop. The worst part was that the numbers was a different font than the text, plus there was 2 to 3 numbers in each fact and the numbers was different as well. Than after I found  similar fonts I had to place each fact sentence in 10 different PSD slides. I came in at 2 pm and work til 4:30 pm on the fonts alone and than another half hour on just placing and re-sizing the fact font for 10 different slide. I leave at 5 pm every day and as soon as 5 pm came I gave up for the day. I actually saved everything and closed the laptop, said bye to everyone and I just walked out the door.

On Wednesday April 15th; I crated two more icons one foe who we are and the second one was for how you can help. I started uploading the finished png’s to the server and assigned them to the slide part of my app.

On Thursday April 16th; I had a mandatory BTTIP meeting I had to go to before I went over to my internship. The meeting the BTTIP coordinators discuss about summer opportunities for summer internship even if I graduate I can still apply for the internship. It was very vague and they didn’t know much about it either, but all they knew was that big technology industries will be hosting this internship and that it starts sometime in June . Than after the meeting I went to my internship for awhile and just fixed some more details with color and placement of content.

On Friday April 17th; I moved content from the website and placed it in their respective place in the app.

One thought on “Journal #12 Josephine Woods

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Josephine,

    I continue to enjoy reading about the design challenges you face and how you solve them. Your attention to solving the technical aspects of the design process is also impressive. My basic advice as the instructor of this writing intensive class is to raise your journal entries to the same level of excellence that you work toward as a web/app designer. You can achieve this by focusing on tense agreement, spelling and punctuation.

    Professor Mason


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