Journal #11 Josephine Woods

This week was a very busy and creative one.

On Monday April 6; I created two new icons for two of the pages. the first one was Fatherhood, which didn’t have an icon on their website.  I used custom shape tool in PhotoShop to create the two circles(blue, than smaller yellow circle). And to represent fatherhood I used the custom hand shape to make a blue hand and a smaller yellow hand inside the blue one. The second  icon I created was for social media slide where it links to the social media page.

On Tuesday April 7; I continued to resize images and I uploaded some of my completed slides on to the New York App Designers website, here is where I have a login account. Once I log in with my organization I can upload, add content and images. This is where I create my mobile app designs and layouts and published them on to a server.

On Wednesday April 8th; I finally finished my  app. After a long day of fixing mistakes I made from a few days past, I finally completed my first app. So now the fun part is over time to move on to the next non-profit organization.

On Thursday April 9th; I found a new non-profit organization called what this organization does is help young adults age 16 to 24, prepare them for job interviews, working force,  and school giving them a chance at making something of themselves. I started researching the website to see how I can layout the content and images. Also design a homepage for the app.

On Friday April 10th; Mr. Lawson and I came up with a nice concept and layout design. I used the main colors (orange,blue,fushia,yellow and pea green) from their site as main tabs which will link directly to main content within the app itself. I only got as far as laying out the homepage, hopefully Monday I’ll be able to have a completed full working app.

One thought on “Journal #11 Josephine Woods

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Josephine,

    I think your readers will be quite impressed with the amount of work you are doing at your internship. As I’ve said before, your writing is generally quite clear and informative. I’d also suggest reviewing guidelines for punctuation. We could review a sample of your writing in greater detail during our next class meeting if you bring in a hardcopy of this journal entry.


    Professor Mason


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