Journal 6th Entry – Mohamad

For this week, my supervisor had no graphic for me, so I told him that I don’t mind doing any other office work. So he asked me to make “Council District Report”, and showed me the right way to do it. At first I didn’t understand what I was doing exactly, so I had to go to my supervisor and ask him to explain it to me in a brief and simple way. So he said that Council District Report is a research using various computer systems within the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) building, to obtain data on housing violations within the five boroughs (Manhattan considered borough one, Bronx number two, Brooklyn number three, Queens number four and Staten Island number five), through one fiscal year. So I was working on the report from July 1 2013 till June 31 2014. The system they use in the department is an Oracle database system, which is a server that allows multiply users to access concurrently a large amount of stored data. It is a very important system to use in big data departments. And the software I used to make the reports is called Crystal Reports, which is a software used to make and design reports from a very large data source. Once retrieved, the data is submitted to various government officials to review the department of HPD’s plans for that fiscal year. I am happy that I was involved in that kind of work, which is new to me, because I learned about Oracle servers, Crystal Reports software and how mixing both together is very needed in a large data retrieving process.


3 thoughts on “Journal 6th Entry – Mohamad

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Mohamed,

    You describe a fairly technical process quite clearly. Just be careful to avoid run-on sentences. Here is an example:

    “What I noticed is that it is an Oracle database system (Oracle is a server that allows multiply users to access concurrently a large amount of stored data), which is a very important system to use in big data departments, and the software I used to make the reports is called Crystal Reports, which is a software used to make and design reports from a very large data source.”

    I would suggest you try editing this sentence ( right now it’s really a short paragraph) into two or three shorter sentences.


    Professor Mason


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