Journal Entry # 1 Omkar Singh

So today was the first day of class. He knows his stuff. From the list of jobs that he gave us I’ve seen a couple that have caught my eye. The first job though that I want to check out is where my dad works. He works for one of the largest advertising agencies in New York called Young and Rubicam or Y&R. he works in the accounting department but I have asked him to find out if I can be eligible to an internship in the design department. It is a long shot since he does work for another department and doesn’t really know anyone in the design department. During these modern times, most jobs aren’t found though the wanted ads but through people that you know. Networking is a big component of finding jobs and I hope that my father can find a friend of a friend in the design department that needs or would want an intern.

I have completed the quizzes online and found them entertaining. I didn’t realize that I was an average procrastinator. I thought I would have been worse. The procrastination quiz and the big 5 quiz showed me that I have a lot of work to do on myself. I need to make certain tasks and jobs a priority and not take advantage of them. This is also the second week of the job hunt and I have gotten some not so good news. My dad tells me that the intern list as he calls it is so long that I wouldn’t even get considered anytime soon. With this class needing 120 hours work time, I need to find something now and soon.


One thought on “Journal Entry # 1 Omkar Singh

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Omkar,

    I enjoyed reading your second entry. In general, be more specific when referring to people. For example, when you write “He knows his stuff,” most people won’t know that you’re writing about me, Professor Mason. Some other sentences were a little unclear as when you describe the “intern list.” I assume you mean an intern waiting list? Overall, your writing is clear but I suggest showing it to someone who can point out minor problems.


    Professor Mason


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